Evan stated, "Today we had computer and library. At computer we went to www.seussville.com . I went to Green Eggs and Ham."
Jeremy explained, "Today I thought we would have indoor recess but I was wrong. We had outdoor recess and for some reason I saw that everything was wet from yesterday. I went on the spider web and slipped upside down with no hands and it was the greatest thing I did."
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Thursday, March 29, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Tuesday's News
Rosie screamed, "Today at P.E. and music we danced with Ms. Sparks's class and we had a few minutes of free choice time after they left."
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Thursday's News
Alix yelled, "At the assembly my brother played the recorder. They sang and did the recorder for one of the songs!"
Evan whined, "At the computer lab we went to www.seussville.com. I went to The Lorax Quest and I had to get everything I need to plant trees."
Mrs. LeFevre announced, "Yesterday we came up with new ways of saying 'said'. Can you spot them above?"
Evan whined, "At the computer lab we went to www.seussville.com. I went to The Lorax Quest and I had to get everything I need to plant trees."
Mrs. LeFevre announced, "Yesterday we came up with new ways of saying 'said'. Can you spot them above?"
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Wednesday's News
Max announced, "We danced with Mrs. Prince-Warinsky's class. We did square dancing and we did some little games. "
Joey exclaimed, "Today we had Poem Time and we put in our poem and got to draw a picture of a vase with pussy willows in it."
Joey exclaimed, "Today we had Poem Time and we put in our poem and got to draw a picture of a vase with pussy willows in it."
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Tuesday's News
Rosie said, "At the end of the day we went outside and a few of the kindergarteners wanted to play with us. We went on the slide and some of our bottoms started to burn from the slide because of the sun and the slide was really hot. We got to go outside because we finished our work."
Alix said, "At gym we danced with Ms. Sparks's class and Mr. Toomey's class."
Mrs. LeFevre said, "It was bright and sunny for the first day of spring and we had a lot of sunshine in the school because everyone was wearing yellow for Sneetch Day."
Alix said, "At gym we danced with Ms. Sparks's class and Mr. Toomey's class."
Mrs. LeFevre said, "It was bright and sunny for the first day of spring and we had a lot of sunshine in the school because everyone was wearing yellow for Sneetch Day."
Monday, March 19, 2012
Monday's News
Kenney said, "We did our Weekend News. Everyone wrote about thier weekend. Mine was about playing tennis. I said that I could hit a ball over people's heads. Andrew was there playing basketball and he could throw a ball over people's heads and have a score."
Jeremy said, "At Writer's Workshop I looked at my folder and I saw that one of my books was about to be published and I looked to see if there were any fixes or finishes in it and I did them. Now I am going to have a conference."
Jeremy said, "At Writer's Workshop I looked at my folder and I saw that one of my books was about to be published and I looked to see if there were any fixes or finishes in it and I did them. Now I am going to have a conference."
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Thursday's News
Gabrial said, "We did measuring. We had to pick out 50 things in 3 bags and we had to figure out which one was the heaviest. The heaviest bag was the colored pencils."
Alizabeth said, "For handwriting we did 4 letters. They were the upper case and lower case X's and Z's."
Alizabeth said, "For handwriting we did 4 letters. They were the upper case and lower case X's and Z's."
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Wednesday's News
Alizabeth said, "For math we did 2 papers and one of them was from Imi and Zani. It was easy for me because I know that when a balance is tilting up it's lighter and when it is tilted down it means it is heavier."
Matthew said, "For gym we did square dancing and regular dancing just like last time except Mrs. Prince-Warinsky's class was there instead of Ms. Sparks's."
Matthew said, "For gym we did square dancing and regular dancing just like last time except Mrs. Prince-Warinsky's class was there instead of Ms. Sparks's."
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Tuesday's News
Esme said, "We had P.E. and music but it was mostly in the gym and we danced with Ms. Sparks's class and Mr. Toomey's class. For Ms. Sparks's class we did a little square dancing and with Mr. Toomey's class we did a little game dancing."
Alizabeth said, "For poem time we put in 2 poems but not at once. The first one we put in was the spring poem and then the March poem. We had to draw for the March poem and we had to have a green paper and white paper with all the words mixed up. For the spring poem we didn't have to draw anything we had to write the poem."
Alizabeth said, "For poem time we put in 2 poems but not at once. The first one we put in was the spring poem and then the March poem. We had to draw for the March poem and we had to have a green paper and white paper with all the words mixed up. For the spring poem we didn't have to draw anything we had to write the poem."
Monday, March 12, 2012
Monday's News
Clara said, "We had Writer's Workshop and I had one book in 'Editing', one book in 'Tools' and one book in 'Drafting' and I added on to each of them."
Abby said, "We went outside to look for 'living things' and 'non-living things'. I saw a tree, a bird, an insect and a flower and they are living things. The non-living things I found were a rock, leaf, trash and water."
Abby said, "We went outside to look for 'living things' and 'non-living things'. I saw a tree, a bird, an insect and a flower and they are living things. The non-living things I found were a rock, leaf, trash and water."
Friday, March 9, 2012
Friday's News
Jeremy said, "Today we had extra computer time. Gabe, Emma and I were racing on a car game and mine went really fast."
Scout said, "I liked when Ms. Barrow came and told us about inventions. Now I want to do the Science Fair or the Invention Convention."
Scout said, "I liked when Ms. Barrow came and told us about inventions. Now I want to do the Science Fair or the Invention Convention."
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Thursday's News
Emma said, "Today was Alizabeth's birthday and Alizabeth's birthday snack was cupcakes. The cupcakes had not sprinkles but they had little chewy candies in them and on the frosting. We did the Birthday Cheer and that is when you put your name on in and chant it and is says how old you are, like Alizabeth is 7 years old today."
Joey said, "Today we went to computer and library and in the library I got the Aliens Are Coming book. In the computer lab I made a robot on www.abcya.com."
Joey said, "Today we went to computer and library and in the library I got the Aliens Are Coming book. In the computer lab I made a robot on www.abcya.com."
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Wednesday's News
Matthew said, "For physical education we did a ball game where you pass the ball to the person that is in back of you. You were trying to make it so that nobody has the ball going flying out of their end."
Alizabeth said, "For Writer's Workshop I wrote about my hamster and I did my title. The title is I Got A Hamster. I wrote about how I really love her even if she got lost."
Alizabeth said, "For Writer's Workshop I wrote about my hamster and I did my title. The title is I Got A Hamster. I wrote about how I really love her even if she got lost."
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Tuesday's News
Evan said, "We had P.E. and we danced with the kindergarteners and Ms. Sparks's class. We got to teach them dancing moves."
Max said, "We did a little play about bullying. I was part of the Bully Crew and I also played the part of Emma. We learned that people can be mean and we want them to be nice."
Max said, "We did a little play about bullying. I was part of the Bully Crew and I also played the part of Emma. We learned that people can be mean and we want them to be nice."
Monday, March 5, 2012
Monday's News
Joey said, "Today we had gym. We played basketball after we did dancing."
Kenney said, "We wrote our Weekend News. Everyone wrote about their weekend. Mine was that my mom bought me a Marvel Hero backpack."
Kenney said, "We wrote our Weekend News. Everyone wrote about their weekend. Mine was that my mom bought me a Marvel Hero backpack."
Friday, March 2, 2012
Friday's News
Esme said, "We had 'Sharing' today. Jeremy shared an African penguin and it was pregnant."
Gabe said, "We had art. We made a mitten and then we had to draw animals on it."
Alexander said, "Today was Dr. Seuss's birthday! We made a hat like the Cat in the Hat's and we had to draw green eggs, a strange cat and a Who. We also wore red or yellow or both today like the Birthday Bird in Happy Birthday to You! by Dr. Seuss."
Alexander said, "Today was Dr. Seuss's birthday! We made a hat like the Cat in the Hat's and we had to draw green eggs, a strange cat and a Who. We also wore red or yellow or both today like the Birthday Bird in Happy Birthday to You! by Dr. Seuss."
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Thursday's News
Matthew said, "At snack we watched the book called, Oh The Thinks You Can Think, by Dr. Seuss. It was cool because she didn't even turn the book around when it was the circle words."
Scout said, "I liked when we got to do math on penguins. We got to sort penguins. We sorted them by feet colors. I found out that all penguins have different colors of feet and there are lots of black footed penguins."
Scout said, "I liked when we got to do math on penguins. We got to sort penguins. We sorted them by feet colors. I found out that all penguins have different colors of feet and there are lots of black footed penguins."
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