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Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Tuesday's News
Mrs. LeFevre stated, "Today Mrs. Yeager came and read us a book about Howard B. Wigglebottom. There is a web site where we can watch more of the stories, listen to songs and play games."
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Thursday's News
Del said, "Today we had recess and I played with Michael and Junior and we actually played a real thing. We played that Michael and I were people that save people from the wind. We pretended that the wind was shutting down all of the electricity at Junior's house and Michael and I tried to save him but Pixels were attacking us. It actually was a real windy day."
Junior said, "Today we heard in the book that Hurricane Bob was coming and the boy fell asleep and the cat was on his lap. He didn't even know that Hurricane Bob was real. They went outside and saw that a tree was broken on the neighbor's house. The book is called Travels with my Family."
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Wednesday's News
Meranda said, "Today at gym we could go to trestles or balance beams which are big or small. You have to do the small one over by the wall."
Angela said, "Today in math I was doing personal practice with Mia and Mia didn't know all of the math equations. She looked at the bottom on the first page and thought it was hard and I helped her."
Monday, November 30, 2015
Monday's News
Ristin said, "Today we had a fire drill. Mr. T. was going to show us the last thing for trestle tree but we had to have a fire a drill and we didn't have any time to do anything."
Ruthie said, "Today during math my friend Mia, when we were partners, she had to leave with Mrs. Holley and I was asking Del and Junior if I could be a partner with them too."
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Tuesday's News
Aida said, "We did a paper with the whole class about math. We had to solve math problems as a class but we couldn't help each other."
Mia said, " Today we did turkey fingers on the computer. We put our hands on the computer and we drew it and we bucketed in the paint color. Then we printed it out."
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Thursday's News
Aaron said, "At Number Corner today I said that after the sandwich card it would 4 nibbles. I saw fourths and diagonal cards on the Number Corner calendar. We crossed off a day in school and it is day 53."
Makayla said, "Today we went to art and we made stars that popped out little curly things or bumpy things. Then we had yellow clay we could stick on the curvy or bumpy things."
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Thursday's News
Max said, "Today for lunch we had a picnic. When we got out the 3rd and 4th graders were out for recess. I found my brother outside."
Aaron said, "Today at Number Corner we did the calendar and we crossed off a day in school and we wrote the number for how many days we've had in school. We have been in school 49 days and we wrote equations to go with it."
Aaron said, "Today at Number Corner we did the calendar and we crossed off a day in school and we wrote the number for how many days we've had in school. We have been in school 49 days and we wrote equations to go with it."
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Wednesday's News
Glen said, "I wrote a story about the bus. The bus goes to my home."
Makayla said, "Today we went to gym and we did log rolls and egg rolls. We climbed ropes and everybody was cheering for people to climb ropes."
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Tuesday's News
Michael said, " Today we made leaf people and it was very fun and I liked. We used leaves made out of paper and acorns made out of paper."
Nova said, "Today for girls sharing I brought in a picture of my baby brother. I walked around the room showing everyone a picture of my baby brother."
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Thursday's News
Makayla said, "We pulled out pumpkin seeds out of the pumpkin. We are going to light it up this Friday and we are going to count all the seeds we picked out of it."
Max said, "Today we had art and we made snakes with lines. Some people cut them out and I didn't because I didn't have time and I didn't want to."
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Tuesday's News
Aida said, "We did girl's sharing today. Abby said her friend made her a bracelet that she is wearing."
Meranda said, "Today Mrs. Tinnel came and read us The Little Monsters Shop. It was about monsters and two children were not scared about monsters."
Answers from yesterday's riddles:
1. I am candy.
2. I am fall.
3. We are leaves.
Monday, October 26, 2015
Monday's Post
Mrs. LeFevre asked, "Can you solve the riddles we wrote?"
1. Iam sweet.
A lot of people think I am good.
Sometimes I am in a wrapper.
At Halloween kids collect me.
Who am I?
2. I am a season.
Leaves go on the ground.
Sometimes there is fog.
Who am I?
3. We get stepped on a lot.
We crunch when people step on us.
We get stuck on flowers.
We are colorful in fall.
What are we?
Stay tuned for the answers tomorrow!
1. Iam sweet.
A lot of people think I am good.
Sometimes I am in a wrapper.
At Halloween kids collect me.
Who am I?
2. I am a season.
Leaves go on the ground.
Sometimes there is fog.
Who am I?
3. We get stepped on a lot.
We crunch when people step on us.
We get stuck on flowers.
We are colorful in fall.
What are we?
Stay tuned for the answers tomorrow!
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Thursday's News
Nova said, "In art we made planets that our rockets might have landed on. We made them out of paint and paper and they were called Planet Primary."
Mia said, "Today we had to have magazines and it was about skeletons. Bats' wings are not soft but their body is because it is covered with hair."
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Tuesday's News
Jack said, "Today at computers we used Tumble Books and it was fun. In Tumble Books I read a book that was saying 'big' a lot and it was funny."
Aaron said, "Today we were using the double flap cards to make number sentences. We were using it to make a picture and a story too."
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Thursday's News
Michael said, "Today we had our Vinton Assembly with our Outstanding Owls and I was one of them. The other people were Aaron and Max and we were Oustanding Owls for treating others the way you want to be treated."
Anthony said,"Today we had specials and we went to art and we made shapes. We could make ghosts and stuff from movies like Minecraft and she said next time we come back we are going to put a rocket ship on the paper."
Friday, October 9, 2015
Friday's News
Abby said, "Today we did yoga in gym and there were also five new yoga poses. One of those new poses was called kite pose."
Del said, "Today we wrote in our folders and I did a new story about one of my small moments. It was when I remembered when I came out of the restaurant and my orange balloon flew up in the air."
Del said, "Today we wrote in our folders and I did a new story about one of my small moments. It was when I remembered when I came out of the restaurant and my orange balloon flew up in the air."
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Thursday's News
Ristin said, "Today the firefighters came to our school. They showed us the equipment the firefighters use."
Ruthie said, "Today we were being flexible and we read a firefighter book that was all about safety. We made a letter to the firefighters and got to make ourselves into firefighters."
Friday, October 2, 2015
Friday's News
Michael said, "Today we did a weather drill. It was fun and you had to duck down like this."
Angela said, "Today we played Domino Top Draw and Ruthie won two times. We kept turning over dominoes and I was so into it I didn't want to walk around, I just wanted to keep playing. Mrs. LeFevre watched us."
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Thursday's News
Makayla said, "At art we made rocket ships and they were all different colors. We used construction paper."
Glen said, "We read No, David and I liked when they said No, David!"
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Tuesday's News
Miranda said, "We found out a new workplace where the dominoes were. You had to partner up with somebody to measure stuff with unifix cubes."
Mia said, "Today we had letter games on the computer at . I typed the letter words."
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Thursday's News
Aaron said, " We did art and we made our folders. We can put our art work in our folder because it might get lost if we don't."
Max said, "We did Cast-A-Spell and we spelled words with -at and -ad."
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Wednesday's News
Abby said, "Today we measured with Popsicle sticks. I learned that to measure a chair laying down. It took six Popsicle sticks."
Del said, "At gym we played a game where someone has to describe someone's shoe. If they didn't describe the right shoe the describer had to describe more about it. If they still didn't get it they have to do more and if they get it right, the person describing about it had to get the other person's game."
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Tuesday's News
Angela said, "Today we did Cast-a-Spell with the boards. We did -at and -an word families."
Ristin said, "Today we measured how many Popsicle sticks Junior was. We measured bookcases, tables and ourselves."
Friday, September 18, 2015
Friday's News
Aida said, "We did our handwriting books and the letter g. We wrote 2 words about the letter g: good and get."
Nova said, "Today we brought in stuffed animals because yesterday I picked out a paper out of our Mystery Bag and it said Lovie Day. Some people brought in blankets."
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Thursday's News
Mia said, "We did the birthday book for Michael's birthday. We did the birthday song also."
Ristin said, "We also celebrated Constitution Day and we read a book about it. We made our constitution of 3 ideas that are rules for the classroom."
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Wednesday's News
Glen said, "Today we was Ristin's birthday and he was 6. The class made him a book."
Michael said, Today we played a game called Show Me Ten. It was very fun!"
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Tuesday's News
Aaron said, "We did Number Corner and we did the calendar. There is a pattern going orange, yellow, blue, orange, yellow, blue."
Mirada said, "When went to computer we used We read books, listened and did the quiz."
Monday, September 14, 2015
Monday's News
Aida said, "In gym we played Pac Man Tag and it was really fun! We had to stay on the blue lines to go from path to path to get away from the tagger."
Makayla said, "We did our handwriting book. We did C to start with because Mrs. LeFevre asked us to turn past A & B to get to Magic C!"
Makayla said, "We did our handwriting book. We did C to start with because Mrs. LeFevre asked us to turn past A & B to get to Magic C!"
Friday, September 11, 2015
Friday's News
Angela said, "Today we worked on writing and how to write a sentence. A sentence tells an idea and can match a picture. We wrote a sentence on the board that tells us
pennies and nickels we have collected."
pennies and nickels we have collected."
Nova said, "Today Mrs. LeFevre taught us how to play Flip and Write. When we played the deck made all of the numbers go together but one row was blank meaning that we didn't color in the numbers. We had to shuffle the deck and just flip over one card to see which one won."
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Thursday's News
Junior said, "We saw a pattern on the calendar. It was tally, stick then dot. Today there were 10 tallies for September 10th."
Del said, "Yesterday at Open House most of us came to the school and came into our classroom and showed our parents stuff like a poem, how many days we've been at school and how many of us ordered lunch."
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Wednesday's News
Ristin said, "We worked on writing and reading at the same time. Our stamina is up to 11 minutes."
Ruthie said, "I am going with my mom to Open House tonight and after I show her the classroom I am going to show her outside and how I play on the playscape. I will show her how high I go on the swing!
Friday, September 4, 2015
Friday's News
Jack said, "I learned that you can count in 2's in different ways- up or down or sideways."
Max said, "I learned that you can color by 2's down on the 100's chart."
Anthony said, "There is no standing up or changing seats while the bus driver is driving."
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Tuesday's News
Mrs. LeFevre said, "Today in math we learned how to make tallies and count more easily."
Ruthie said, "We got to go to computer lab and use Pixie and make pictures about how we follow the golden rule."
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Thursday's News
Abby said, "Today we worked on fake Popsicles. We were counting by 2's."
Jack said, "We have longer recesses than in kindergarten. I played with Michael."
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
The First Day of School
Anthony said, "We did a bingo game and it was fun!"
Michael said, "We went to P.E. and we did a game about being honest. If someone was looking at you and you were looking at them you both had to sit down until the next round."
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Wednesday's News
Nevaeha said, "Today we went to gym and we did an activity called Pac-Man tag. I was a tagger and I tagged a lot of people."
Colton exclaimed, "Today Celina's dad came and he taught us a lot about China. I learned that China is in the center of the world and I also learned how to say gorilla!"
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Tuesday's News
Myiah said, "Today we had library and we didn't get to pick out a book because it was our last day at library. I read I Spy books and I found a penguin with a crown."
Dennis said, "Today we did the background of our animal habitat. I did red kangaroo and it lives in the desert. My friend did a farm and it had goats on the farm."
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Thursday's News
Ben said, "We had Popsicles from Dimitri's mom for everyone doing the laps towards the marathon. Then we had extra recess and Gus and I were playing a game and we were running away from Celina."
Dimitri said, "Today we did 2nd grader work and I completed all of it."
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Wednesday's News
Gwen said, "Today we had math. During math Richy, Colton, Kevin, Olivia and I were at the triangle table and we were doing Spin to Win Bingo. During Spin to Bingo, Olivia and I got the same Bingo on the first sheet but Olivia forgot that there were double fourteens. Then I told her there were double fourteens."
Colton screamed, " Today we went to gym and we played Hungry Caterpillars. I was in a team with Tanah, Myiah, Kevin and Gwen and we saw Mr. Tamositis throw a green ball and our team got it!"
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Tuesday's News
Kali yelled, "We went to computer and library today. At computer I was reading some books on Raz-Kids and I have1 book left and then I can be in Level F!"
Nevaeha screamed, "Today for the third workshop I did Read to Self and I read a lot of books. I read a book called Where is the 100th Day Penguin? and it was a 100th day for the class in the book just like us in February!"
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Tuesday's News
Liam said, "Today we had library and I took out a book called The Magic Treehouse. After I picked out my book I made a picture that was Sonic the Hedgehog."
Jack said, "Today we had 3 Workshops. I did Raz-Kids during Workshop 3. I read lots of books on the computer."
Jack said, "Today we had 3 Workshops. I did Raz-Kids during Workshop 3. I read lots of books on the computer."
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Thursday's News
Myiah screamed, "Today we had art. We worked on our pictures that had squares and I designed mine with black marker!"
Cody yelled, "Today we had a math problem and it was about penguins. It was hard for some people but it was really easy for me! The math problem was 12+3=15. I figured it out by using my head and my number rack."
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Wednesday's News
Tanah said, "Today we had extra recess because we were so good at the 3rd & 4th grader's play. At recess I played clubs with Dennis."
Cuin said, "Today Dimitri brought his hermit crab in and he said it pinched his finger and blood was running all down his finger. He showed us it at snack time."
Monday, April 20, 2015
Monday's News
Jack screamed, "Today we had physical education and we played tag games! Mr. T. was the tagger and I got tagged 2 times!"
Kali exclaimed, "We learned about little blue penguins. They live in hot places!"
Monday, March 30, 2015
Monday's News
Liam said, "Today we had math and we compared ourselves to rock hopper and king penguins. I was higher then those 2 penguins."
Dimitri said, "Today we went to indoor recess and everybody who chose movie watched The Bee Movie."
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Wednesday's News
Zia yelled, "Today we went to gym and we had trestle runs. Last class whoever participated to do the rules got to go first. I went to the hard trestle run first. It was hard with the monkey bars but I found a way across!"
John said, "Today we had penguin math problems. All of them were about how many were on the ice ledges."
Monday, March 23, 2015
Monday's News
Gwen said, "Today we had math and I was with Kevin, Nevaeha and Liam and we had to put stickers on a shape. The paper has 2 sides that you have to do."
Dennis said, "Today we had P.E. And we had trestle tree and we had trestle runs. While we were doing the trestle runs we did egg rolls and log rolls and I went on all the trestle runs."
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Thursday's News
Cuin said, "Today I played Last Shape In Wins with Ben and Olivia. I won the first time but when we were going to start the next round it was time to clean up. Another thing that happened is that we had one rule and we weren't allowed to use one of the shapes- hexagons."
Cody said, "We went to art. In the middle of art they announced to go to the assembly. When we got back we made sailboats with tracers and paper."
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Tuesday's News
Kevin said, "We made pie for snack. We put pineapple, green pudding and whipped cream on a graham cracker. It was for St. Patrick's Day."
Gus said, "For recess we watched Tarzan 2. My best friend Cody was there and we saw lots of gorillas."
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Thursday's News
Mrs. LeFevre stated, "Yesterday was The Sleep Book day and we all wore our pajamas to school."
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Tuesday's News
Colton spoke, "Today we had library and compute lab and I went to the library first. I called picked a book called Sharks. It had a young shark kind of diving up into a boat."
Tanah explained, "Today we had a book called Rose's Birthday and we had to highlight all the long O words. But on one page there was only 1 word that had a long o word, it was the last page."
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Wednesday's News
Celina said, "Today we were at gym. We got a choice of Circle Games or Tag Games. I chose Tag Games."
Blake exclaimed, "We did math workplaces and I played with John and Cody. I won 3 times, Cody won 2 and John won 1. We used only trapezoids 1 time and we only had to use 1 triangle to finish it. Another time we used all rhombuses and nothing else and we made something that looked like a ginormous jewel!"
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Thursday's News
Dimitri said, "We had Math Workplaces. Jack and I played Last Shape In Wins and I had 4 points and Jack had 3."
Ben said, "We played Guess My Shape. I guessed one. You need to guess the color, size or how many sides it has. Those are called attributes."
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Wednesday's News
Nevaeha said, "We went to gym and got a basketball and we went to our squares. My square was purple and then we needed to dribble our balls with our right hand and then our left."
Myiah said, "Today we did Math Workplaces and I was at Frog Jump and I played with Olivia and Ben. I won the last round and Ben won the first round and Olivia won the second. The one who won the most was Ben because we played another round."
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Wednesday's News
Kali said, "Today we were at P.E. and music. We were doing some dribbling in P.E. and at music we sang the favorite songs we liked at the concert. We also drew what we did best at."
Zia said, "Today it was the 100th day of school and the first activity we did was making our crowns. We used stickers, little stamps and hot dots. The teachers stapled our crowns so we could wear them."
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Tuesday's News
Celina said, "Today we had library and computer. I went to the library first and Mrs. Parda read us a book called Baghead."
Dimitri said, "Today I was alone by the Number Corner and I had my journal with me and I was looking outside the window and copying what I saw. The next time I will label them so it will be drawing and writing."
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Thursday's News
Dennis said, "Today we went to music and we didn't have art. We practiced our songs for the concert."
Olivia said, "We did math workplaces and I played with Myiah. She was Polli and I was Tad and we hopped by 10's. Myiah's target number was 33 and mine was 33. Myiah got there first."
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Tuesday's News
Colton said, "Today we had computer lab and library. In library I picked a book called 'Wolves'. The pictures were cool."
Jack said, "We had math workplaces. I was playing Cats and Mice with Dimitri. I won all of the rounds."
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Wednesday's News
Kevin said, "Today we had gym. We played hockey and we dribbled the puck with our sticks."
John said,"Today we had math workplaces and I played Cats and Mice with Cody. A couple of times we got a tie and I think 3 times I won a round."
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Monday's News
Gus said, "We went to the computer lab and went to Pixie to see how many things we could fit on one page. I did animals. I found a gorilla and a chimpanzee."
Cody said, "Today we did math workplaces. We have a new workplace and it is called Super Frogs. I went to the Fifty or Bust Workplace. Colton and I had a tie."
Friday, January 9, 2015
Friday's News
Ben said, "We had indoor recess. I went to movie and we watched Lightening McQueen."
Olivia said, "We had Workshops. I went to Read With Someone and I was reading with Gwen. We read in our poem books."
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Wednesday's News
Gwen said, "Today we had P.E. And music and at music Mrs. Gold was helping Mrs. Frascarelli and she needed us to follow her to the music. We didn't do all of the instruments but we had lots fun."
Zia said, "Today had math. We worked on the number line. At first we had to figure out where each number we had went and then we worked on some number problems. The last one was tricky and we had to figure out what number was between 50 and 100."
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Tuesday's News
Jack said, "We did math workplaces. I was playing with Dimitri and Dimitri won our game of Cats and Mice."
Liam said, "Today we had computer and we went into and I went into a car game. I built a really cool limo and it had wheels on the roof and it had 5 wheels in each side of the car."
Monday, January 5, 2015
Monday's News
Cuin said, "We learned a new math workplace, it was called Frog Jump. I went to Ms. Mather's so I didn't hear much about it."
Blake said. "We went to the gym and we did yoga poses. My favorite was the cobra. My second favorite was the shark."
Mrs LeFevre said, "Happy 2015 everyone!"
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