Fred said, "Today we got our fire cups that we made in art."
Alex said, "Today is the last day until vacation and it is a game day. Boris brought in Monopoly Jr., Despina brought in Chutes and Ladders, Allie brought in Twister, and Justin brought in Aggravation."
Mrs. LeFevre said, "See you in the New Year!"
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tuesday's News

Fred said, "Today at gym we played volleyball and hockey."
Trystan said, "We made gingerbread men and we went on a hunt to find them. Then we found them in our classroom and we decorated 2. We ate one and took one home."
Monday's News
Despina said, "We read a book called, Snow Dude and it was a happy ending."
Maddie said, "Today we did a math game where you have to add numbers on the dice and draw things on the gingerbread man. My partner was Alyson and she won."
Friday, December 18, 2009
Friday's News
Trystan said, "We just played a game. We played it on the Smart Board and on the rug. It was called Cover Up. The students won!"
Justin said, "Today at recess, Trystan, Dawson, Jayden, Fred, Alex, and I took ice and banged it on the giant block of ice."
Al said, "Today at DEAR, Jayden and I did an I Spy book. It was kind of easy and Jayden found trombones and we didn't know where they were and then Jayden found them. Then the 2 of us did a page with Trystan and Fred."
Justin said, "Today at recess, Trystan, Dawson, Jayden, Fred, Alex, and I took ice and banged it on the giant block of ice."
Al said, "Today at DEAR, Jayden and I did an I Spy book. It was kind of easy and Jayden found trombones and we didn't know where they were and then Jayden found them. Then the 2 of us did a page with Trystan and Fred."
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Thursday's News
Boris said, "Today at P.E. we played hockey and I know we got at least 1 point."
Alyson said, "Today when we were at the assembly we watched the 4th graders read about the colors of December and some of the colors were blue, black, green, and red. My favorite ones were green and red because they are mostly in front of houses and they are Christmas colors."
Alyson said, "Today when we were at the assembly we watched the 4th graders read about the colors of December and some of the colors were blue, black, green, and red. My favorite ones were green and red because they are mostly in front of houses and they are Christmas colors."
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Wednesday's News
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Tuesday's News
Daisy said, "Today at math Maddie and I played with red and green tiles and we made doubles and neighbors."
Maddie said, "Today we made speech bubbles for our gingerbread people and mine said, You can't catch me I'm the gingerbread baby! Hee! Hee! Hee! "
Maddie said, "Today we made speech bubbles for our gingerbread people and mine said, You can't catch me I'm the gingerbread baby! Hee! Hee! Hee! "
Monday, December 14, 2009
Monday's News
Allie said, "Today at computers we printed out coloring pages or a card to someone. I wrote mine to Lourdes. We went to ."
Katrina said, "Today in library Daisy, Alyson, and I colored a stocking and it had purple, red, and blue."
Katrina said, "Today in library Daisy, Alyson, and I colored a stocking and it had purple, red, and blue."
Friday, December 11, 2009
Friday's News
Alex said, "Today kids that weren't in Mrs. LeFevre's class last year came to eat lunch with her."
Fred said, "Today in gym we played a hockey game."
Jayden said, "Today at math we played a game called Make the Sum and Renee, Fred and I were partners. Renee won 2x and I won 2x and Fred won 1x."
Fred said, "Today in gym we played a hockey game."
Jayden said, "Today at math we played a game called Make the Sum and Renee, Fred and I were partners. Renee won 2x and I won 2x and Fred won 1x."
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Thursday's News
Renee said, "Today we started writing over our addition facts to 20 and I was the only one who also did subtraction facts."
Madison said, "Today at music we watched the rest of The Nutcracker."
Madison said, "Today at music we watched the rest of The Nutcracker."
Monday, December 7, 2009
Monday's News
Justin said, "Today at computer we typed our wishes for the world."
Kishan said, "Today at library there were at least 2 people who forgot their books."
Despina said, "Today at our classroom we watched a movie of Despereaux and we had popcorn."
Kishan said, "Today at library there were at least 2 people who forgot their books."
Despina said, "Today at our classroom we watched a movie of Despereaux and we had popcorn."
Friday, December 4, 2009
Friday's News
Boris said, "Today at physical education we did Pillow Polo and we did it like soccer but we hit a ball with stick. It was like soccer but you had to hit it into a goal."
Alyson said, "Today at Jr. Choir we practiced on the stage and last year I was in the front row on the stage and I'm on the front row again this year. Daisy and a first grader named Bella are standing next to me."
Renee said, "Today Miss Battinelli came into our classroom. Some of us had lunch with her and she brought a special snack. She also worked with everyone."
Alyson said, "Today at Jr. Choir we practiced on the stage and last year I was in the front row on the stage and I'm on the front row again this year. Daisy and a first grader named Bella are standing next to me."
Renee said, "Today Miss Battinelli came into our classroom. Some of us had lunch with her and she brought a special snack. She also worked with everyone."
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Thursday's News
Ryan said, "Today we had gym and we played a game and we had to have these sticks and there was like a bag on top of it, like a cylinder, and we had to have a ball and a partner. My partner was Daisy and we passed and shot, passed and shot, and passed and shot."
Allie said, "Today in class we read Monday with a Mad Genius and Jack and Annie were in Florence, Italy and they met Leonardo daVinci and they got a picture of any angel drawn by Leonardo daVinci."
Allie said, "Today in class we read Monday with a Mad Genius and Jack and Annie were in Florence, Italy and they met Leonardo daVinci and they got a picture of any angel drawn by Leonardo daVinci."
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Wednesday's News
Daisy said, "Today we did a 100 chart with blank papers. Maddie and I filled 3."
Katrina said, "Today at Jr. Choir we practiced for the show coming up on Tuesday."
Alyson said, "Today at art we did fire clay and we made these little cups of pottery and the clay was cold and then it got soft when we rolled it around in our hand."
Katrina said, "Today at Jr. Choir we practiced for the show coming up on Tuesday."
Alyson said, "Today at art we did fire clay and we made these little cups of pottery and the clay was cold and then it got soft when we rolled it around in our hand."
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Tuesday's News
Maddie said, "Today we read a book that there were 12 ways to get to 11. We had to use paper so we could write down the number sentences in it and you could draw a picture of the same if you had the time."
Jayden said, "Today at gym Trystan and I were playing basketball with scooters and when Trystan passed it to me, I shot it at the last second. We also played scooter tag."
Jayden said, "Today at gym Trystan and I were playing basketball with scooters and when Trystan passed it to me, I shot it at the last second. We also played scooter tag."
Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday's News
Al said, "We read all of chapter 1. It was Magic Tree House #38, Monday with a Mad Genius, and Jack and Annie were almost late for school but the time froze."
Alex said, "Today we had 2 birthdays, Justin and Alyson, and they both turned 8."
Alex said, "Today we had 2 birthdays, Justin and Alyson, and they both turned 8."
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Wednesday's News

Jayden said, "This morning we did turkey cookies. Trystan and I don't like candy corn so we just did chocolate chips and frosting."
Justin said, "Today in lunch we could sit where ever we wanted. Kishan, Jayden, Josh, Austin, John, Fred, Trystan, Al and I were eating lunch together."
Ryan said, "We did turkey cookies this morning with Boris's mom and we got to do 2. I saved both of my cookies so my sister could have one."
Mrs. LeFevre said, "Have a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!"
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Tuesday's News
Kishan said, "Today my reading group showed the class a play about Squanto and the Pilgrims. I was a narrator."
Madison said, "Today at Spanish we played 2 games. One was Twister and the other one was Donkey."
Madison said, "Today at Spanish we played 2 games. One was Twister and the other one was Donkey."
Monday, November 23, 2009
Monday's News
Renee said, "Today we read the 2nd to last chapter of Horrible Harry and the Ant Invasion and we found out that Harry didn't kill the black molly fish."
Despina said, "At community time we did Pass and Tell and I said that I had a sleepover and we played a game about the Jonas brothers."
Despina said, "At community time we did Pass and Tell and I said that I had a sleepover and we played a game about the Jonas brothers."
Friday, November 20, 2009
Friday's News
Fred said, "Today in gym we went out side, and technically we had an extra recess."
Trystan said, "Today after the Thanksgiving Feast, everyone in the school except the kindergarteners and pre-schoolers, went out to recess together and they usually don't."
Jayden said, "Today when I was at math problems, I did 2 papers and I 2 more to finish."
Mrs. LeFevre's Class says, "THANK YOU! To all the people who worked at the feast! It was fANTastic!"
Trystan said, "Today after the Thanksgiving Feast, everyone in the school except the kindergarteners and pre-schoolers, went out to recess together and they usually don't."
Jayden said, "Today when I was at math problems, I did 2 papers and I 2 more to finish."
Mrs. LeFevre's Class says, "THANK YOU! To all the people who worked at the feast! It was fANTastic!"
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Thursday's News
Maddie said, "Today in music we were playing a game and before we started the game, Renee came in and she lost her FIRST tooth!"
Despina said, "Today we almost made it to Mrs. Keenan's class to have an ant invasion. We are going to wait until tomorrow to see if we get into Mrs. Keenan's class."
Despina said, "Today we almost made it to Mrs. Keenan's class to have an ant invasion. We are going to wait until tomorrow to see if we get into Mrs. Keenan's class."
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Wednesday's News
Daisy said, "Today we had art and we have been using clay and we made pottery."
Allie said, "Today we made ants with ant words and they were made for invading Ms. Keenan's class."
Allie said, "Today we made ants with ant words and they were made for invading Ms. Keenan's class."
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Tuesday's News
Alyson said, "Today at gym we played scooters and we took hockey sticks and had to choose what color we wanted and choose partners. Madison was my partner. Madison had a red hockey stick and I had a yellow hockey stick and there was a small ball and a big ball and we had to choose which ball we wanted. We started with the small ball and then when Mr. Kronisch blew his whistle we changed to the large ball."
Madison said, "We might invade Mrs. Keenan's classroom with ants and ant words."
Madison said, "We might invade Mrs. Keenan's classroom with ants and ant words."
Monday, November 16, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Friday's News
Kishan said, "Today we had physical education and we got these scooters with all kinds of rope, rings, sticks, and tennis balls and we could do whatever we wanted and after that we got to play a game of Red Rover with scooters."
Trystan said, "Today we watched Mrs. Welch's class in their Spanish class and they perfomed 'The Little Old Lady Who Wasn't Afraid of Anything.' They did a good job!"
Trystan said, "Today we watched Mrs. Welch's class in their Spanish class and they perfomed 'The Little Old Lady Who Wasn't Afraid of Anything.' They did a good job!"
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Thursday's News
Alyson said, "Today at gym Ryan was pulling Katrina, Daisy, and I on the scooter with a rope and Maddie and Madsion were being pulled by Al and Boris and they crashed into us."
Justin said, "Today at recess Ian, Tommy, Jayden, Dawson, Trystan, and I were playing a game where we were trying to run away from Megan and someone else when they were chasing us."
Fred said, "Today we did Jayden and Allie's math problems."
Justin said, "Today at recess Ian, Tommy, Jayden, Dawson, Trystan, and I were playing a game where we were trying to run away from Megan and someone else when they were chasing us."
Fred said, "Today we did Jayden and Allie's math problems."
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Tuesday's News
Allie said, "Today in gym my partner was Madison and we did scooters. We tied strings with wiffle balls and lots of other materials and I took the string and tied it Madison's scooter and then I tied it to my scooter and I wrapped it around Madison's shoulders and it spun Madison."
Alex said, "Today we went on a Nature Walk and we observed the things in nature. We made poems about what we saw."
Alex said, "Today we went on a Nature Walk and we observed the things in nature. We made poems about what we saw."
Monday, November 9, 2009
Monday's News
Ryan said, "We had computer and we went on Raz-Kids and I got to read about 2 or 3 books."
Renee said, "Today we had centers and Trystan, Jayden, Alex H. and I went to the art center and made ants using paint and erasers. I also made a dog."
Friday's News
Katrina said, "We made corn with thanks."
Maddie Y. said, "We made ant problems and Trystan and Jayden lost teeth!
Al said, "Madison and I rode a scooter.
Boris said, "Today we made corn."
Renee said, "Today we had centers and Trystan, Jayden, Alex H. and I went to the art center and made ants using paint and erasers. I also made a dog."
Friday's News
Katrina said, "We made corn with thanks."
Maddie Y. said, "We made ant problems and Trystan and Jayden lost teeth!
Al said, "Madison and I rode a scooter.
Boris said, "Today we made corn."
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Thursday's News
Jayden said "Today at gym we had scooters and Boris and I were partners and when we were practicing I ran over my finger and stood out until it was free choice. The next class the gym teacher is going to have free choices and Boris is going to pull me on the rope on the scooter."
Boris said, "Today for math we worked on our ant problems and there were easy ones that I knew and some of them were hard and I figured them in my brain. Then we put a star next to the ant problem that we did the best and Mrs. LeFevre will say...This is a good one!"
Boris said, "Today for math we worked on our ant problems and there were easy ones that I knew and some of them were hard and I figured them in my brain. Then we put a star next to the ant problem that we did the best and Mrs. LeFevre will say...This is a good one!"
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Wednesday's News
Boris said, "I took my Forever 80's songs to school and we are going to listen to #1."
Madison said, "Today I am going to show what states I went through from moving from Oklahoma to Connecticut."
Madison said, "Today I am going to show what states I went through from moving from Oklahoma to Connecticut."
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Tuesday's News
Allie said, "Today in math we saw math problems with ants. We had to figure out the answer and we got a paper to draw how we figured it out."
Despina said, "Today at gym we had a choice; we could play volleyball, four square, or frisbee throw. I choose volleyball."
Despina said, "Today at gym we had a choice; we could play volleyball, four square, or frisbee throw. I choose volleyball."
Monday, November 2, 2009
Monday's News
Katrina said, "Today in Spanish we made sugar skulls and we made them out of sprinkles, Skittles, chocolate chips, frosting, and these little dots."
Renee said, "Today we had Math Work Places and I was playing Count and Compare. I was watching Justin play with his partner, his imaginary partner named Joey who was sitting right next to me."
Renee said, "Today we had Math Work Places and I was playing Count and Compare. I was watching Justin play with his partner, his imaginary partner named Joey who was sitting right next to me."
Friday, October 30, 2009
Friday's News
Jayden said, "Today I got Henry and our class got to have a Halloween Day except Fred and I get to go trick or treating with Henry."
Alex said, "Today Jayden was a very good partner at Halloween Happenings! He was a great buddy at Ghost Toss and he went with me everywhere I went."
Alyson said, "Today Madison's mom came to help in the classroom and I played with her mom and I did every center. When I was tossing the dice with Madison's mom, I kept doing it with my fingers so I kept pushing the dice together."
Alex said, "Today Jayden was a very good partner at Halloween Happenings! He was a great buddy at Ghost Toss and he went with me everywhere I went."
Alyson said, "Today Madison's mom came to help in the classroom and I played with her mom and I did every center. When I was tossing the dice with Madison's mom, I kept doing it with my fingers so I kept pushing the dice together."
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Thursday's News
Katrina said, "We went to gym and we had a substitute and we played dodgeball and I was on the purple team with Kishan, Daisy, Al, Renee, Jayden, Fred, and Trystan.
Madison said, "I played with Maddie at recess. We played on the swings."
Al said, "We were studying ants and I thought I was not going to finish the last page but I did. I had trouble seeing the SMART board and so did Alyson but we finished it."
Madison said, "I played with Maddie at recess. We played on the swings."
Al said, "We were studying ants and I thought I was not going to finish the last page but I did. I had trouble seeing the SMART board and so did Alyson but we finished it."
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Wednesday's News
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Tuesday's News
Ryan said, "We had gym and we played with a parachute. My favorite one was when we went inside the parachute and sat down."
Al said, "We had an assembly and it was about Simon Sez and it was funny and some people came up and danced around very funny. At the end we did Simon Sez and I never got one thing wrong."
Monday's News
Daisy said, "Today we had extra play time in the afternoon."
Kishan said, "Today we had Enrichment with Ms. Barrow and it was pretty easy."
Friday's News
Trystan said, "Jayden and I did an I Spy book and we found all the things on one page."
Fred said, "I made a rhombus out of pattern blocks."
Justin said, "I made 15 hats at the art center."
Al said, "We had an assembly and it was about Simon Sez and it was funny and some people came up and danced around very funny. At the end we did Simon Sez and I never got one thing wrong."
Monday's News
Daisy said, "Today we had extra play time in the afternoon."
Kishan said, "Today we had Enrichment with Ms. Barrow and it was pretty easy."
Friday's News
Trystan said, "Jayden and I did an I Spy book and we found all the things on one page."
Fred said, "I made a rhombus out of pattern blocks."
Justin said, "I made 15 hats at the art center."
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Thursday's News
Daisy said, "Today we got to finish our ant problems and Renee and I were arguing a little about 100 and 25. Renee thought it was 25 in a group and I thought it was 100. Mrs. LeFevre came over said: How about we think of something else. Renee and I thought of 20 in 5 groups to equal 100!"
Alyson said, "Today in gym we went outside to play and we had choices to do frisbee, ball or playscape. I went on the playscape and found my friend Christa and I played with her until the end of the time and I also hung upside down with Katrina."
Wednesday's News
Allie said, "We told the teacher what we know about and wonder about ants and wrote them down."
Despina said, "We used water paints in art and I worked on a painting that I started before going to Disney World."
Alyson said, "Today in gym we went outside to play and we had choices to do frisbee, ball or playscape. I went on the playscape and found my friend Christa and I played with her until the end of the time and I also hung upside down with Katrina."
Wednesday's News
Allie said, "We told the teacher what we know about and wonder about ants and wrote them down."
Despina said, "We used water paints in art and I worked on a painting that I started before going to Disney World."
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Tuesday's News
Madison said, "Today Renee was a star. We learned that she has a fish, a dog, a turtle, and used to have a cat."
Maddie said, "Today in gym we played dodgeball and when someone on your team got out, you would have to knock over a frisbee on the other teams cone to get the people back in the game."
Maddie said, "Today in gym we played dodgeball and when someone on your team got out, you would have to knock over a frisbee on the other teams cone to get the people back in the game."
Monday, October 19, 2009
Monday's News
Daisy said, "Today Ryan and I went to 2 Work Places. We went to One Hour Or Bust and only got to write one thing down."
Jayden said, "Today at computer we went to Raz-Kids and I got a telescope that if you click on it you will see the Earth and the moon."
Jayden said, "Today at computer we went to Raz-Kids and I got a telescope that if you click on it you will see the Earth and the moon."
Friday, October 16, 2009
Friday's News
Alyson said, "Today at gym we played running around games, relay race games, and we did it with a bean bag or high fives and we did it with cylinders."
Kishan said, "Today we had our first day at Writer's Workshop and I made little stick figures for the picture to get my ideas started."
Alex said, "Today we had an assembly and I was our class Super Citizen."
Kishan said, "Today we had our first day at Writer's Workshop and I made little stick figures for the picture to get my ideas started."
Alex said, "Today we had an assembly and I was our class Super Citizen."
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Thursdays News
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Wednesday's News
Ryan said, "We had art today and we were painting pumpkin pictures."
Alex said, "We made butterfly hats and we are going to put them on tomorrow."
Alex said, "We made butterfly hats and we are going to put them on tomorrow."
Friday, October 9, 2009
Friday's News
Jayden said, "We had gym and Trystan and I played with these small little balls and we kicked them up to the ceiling and most of the time they went up on the stage."
Al said, "We were trying to figure out our quilt. Fred and Kishan are trying to figure it out right now and Fred is doing very good with the mulitplication."
Al said, "We were trying to figure out our quilt. Fred and Kishan are trying to figure it out right now and Fred is doing very good with the mulitplication."
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Thursdays News
Katrina said, "Today we went to gym and music. In music we were talking about Jr. Choir and 1st and 2nd graders can do it. It might be a lot of people."
Maddie said, "Today we made our own quilt patches for our quilt."
Maddie said, "Today we made our own quilt patches for our quilt."
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Tuesday's News
Trystan said, "Today in gym Kishan, Jayden, and I played kickball and we switched teams one time."
Boris said, "Today at centers I was making a card for my mom with a ghost on the front and a Frankenstein monster on the back."
Fred said, "Today we did Musical Chairs because it was our Mystery Reward."
Boris said, "Today at centers I was making a card for my mom with a ghost on the front and a Frankenstein monster on the back."
Fred said, "Today we did Musical Chairs because it was our Mystery Reward."
Monday, October 5, 2009
Mondays's News
Renee said, "Today we practiced doing our tornado/severe weather drill and we met in the hallway and did duck and cover."
Despina said, "I got to be the Henry host and I got to hold him for the day and bring him home and have lots of fun."
Despina said, "I got to be the Henry host and I got to hold him for the day and bring him home and have lots of fun."
Friday's News
Trystan said, "Today at gym Jayden and I had balls and kicked them up to the ceiling and they came back down."
Daisy exclaimed, "Today at snack I lost my tooth!"
Daisy exclaimed, "Today at snack I lost my tooth!"
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Thursdays News
Jayden said, "Today we had gym and Boris and I kicked the balls all the way up to the ceiling and we were heading them."
Al said, "We had math Work Place and Fred and I were playing Race You to 50 and Fred was getting the lower numbers but he still won each time."
Al said, "We had math Work Place and Fred and I were playing Race You to 50 and Fred was getting the lower numbers but he still won each time."
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Wednesday's News
Allie said, "In enrichment we decorated our butterflies that we will mail to Mexico and one of the kids in Mexico will get our butterfly in the mail and they will take care of it until March."
Alex said, "In art we finished our drawing book."
Alyson said, "Today in Spanish we did shapes and color words."
Alex said, "In art we finished our drawing book."
Alyson said, "Today in Spanish we did shapes and color words."
Tuesday's News
Madison said, "We had physical education and music today. In gym we learned a new game called Red Lion."
Katrina said, "Today at Work Places we made hippos."
Katrina said, "Today at Work Places we made hippos."
Monday, September 28, 2009
Mondays's News
Madison said, "Today we had library and computer and I got a dog book."
Fred said, "Today we sorted math buckets. I went to 3 math buckets."
Fred said, "Today we sorted math buckets. I went to 3 math buckets."
Friday, September 25, 2009
Friday's News
Boris said, "This afternoon we had physical education and I did the stairs and I was running as fast as I could go for about 2 miles."
Renee said, "Everyday in the afternoon we do our daily blog, we look at the Daily Dog and pick people and today I got picked to go on it."
Renee said, "Everyday in the afternoon we do our daily blog, we look at the Daily Dog and pick people and today I got picked to go on it."
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Thursdays News
Ryan said, "We went to physical education and we played Bubble Machine and I got most people with the ball."
Kishan said, "Today at writing we did our first prompt and it was pretty fun."
Justin said, "Today we did our prompt about us taking a field trip to a zoo and I liked mine because it was a little funny and a little serious."
Mrs. LeFevre exclaimed, "I learned 4 new things today thanks to my students!!!!!"
Kishan said, "Today at writing we did our first prompt and it was pretty fun."
Justin said, "Today we did our prompt about us taking a field trip to a zoo and I liked mine because it was a little funny and a little serious."
Mrs. LeFevre exclaimed, "I learned 4 new things today thanks to my students!!!!!"
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Wednesday's News
Maddie said, "Today we did papers about our class graph."
Despina said, "My friends and I almost caught a moth at recess but then it flew away."
Despina said, "My friends and I almost caught a moth at recess but then it flew away."
Tuesday's News
Alex said, "I played against Kishan and Madison in Work Places. The game was Race You to 50."
Boris said, "We played Bubble Machine and Red Rover in physical education."
Frederick said, "We watched a movie in music and played some instruments."
Jayden exclaimed, "We had extra recess today because we got a hundred stars!"
Boris said, "We played Bubble Machine and Red Rover in physical education."
Frederick said, "We watched a movie in music and played some instruments."
Jayden exclaimed, "We had extra recess today because we got a hundred stars!"
Monday, September 21, 2009
Mondays's News
Madison said, "We got 100 stars today and we get free outdoor play tomorrow."
Al said, "We went to enrichment and before that we let go 5 painted ladies. I think I figured out how to tell if it is a boy or a girl. One had color on the outside of its wings and one didn't."
Kishan said, "Today at library I was going to find a book about Machopicho a place in Peru. Mrs. Parda's computer didn't let her find it because she typed it wrong. She looked in books about Peru and found it."
Al said, "We went to enrichment and before that we let go 5 painted ladies. I think I figured out how to tell if it is a boy or a girl. One had color on the outside of its wings and one didn't."
Kishan said, "Today at library I was going to find a book about Machopicho a place in Peru. Mrs. Parda's computer didn't let her find it because she typed it wrong. She looked in books about Peru and found it."
Friday, September 18, 2009
Friday's News
Ryan said, "We had physical education this afternoon and we had to run the whole field again 2 times and we could play on the playscape."
Maddie said, "Today we let go one of our butterflies that survived over night but did not have enough fluid in its wings."
Despina said, "Renee's mom brought in fruit with dip because it was Renee's birthday and I ate all the fruit and drank all the lemonade."
Maddie said, "Today we let go one of our butterflies that survived over night but did not have enough fluid in its wings."
Despina said, "Renee's mom brought in fruit with dip because it was Renee's birthday and I ate all the fruit and drank all the lemonade."
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Thursday's News
Daisy said, "Yesterday we had a butterfly come out and we have a dead butterfly in our classroom because it lost it's fluid."
Katrina said, "We had an assembly and we did a song. Trystan and Daisy were Super Stars and Allie was a Super Citizen."
Alyson said, "Today we had physical education and music. We went outside and we had to run 2 laps. One for one direction and one for different and after we could run another lap or play on the playscape. Justin and I played in the sandbox and then Justin had to leave."
Katrina said, "We had an assembly and we did a song. Trystan and Daisy were Super Stars and Allie was a Super Citizen."
Alyson said, "Today we had physical education and music. We went outside and we had to run 2 laps. One for one direction and one for different and after we could run another lap or play on the playscape. Justin and I played in the sandbox and then Justin had to leave."
Thursday's News
Daisy said, "Yesterday we had a butterfly come out and we have a dead butterfly in our classroom because it lost it's fluid."
Katrina said, "We had an assembly and we did a song. Trystan and Daisy were Super Stars and Allie was a Super Citizen."
Alyson said, "Today we had physical education and music. We went outside and we had to run 2 laps. One for one direction and one for different and after we could run another lap or play on the playscape. Justin and I played in the sandbox and then Justin had to leave."
Katrina said, "We had an assembly and we did a song. Trystan and Daisy were Super Stars and Allie was a Super Citizen."
Alyson said, "Today we had physical education and music. We went outside and we had to run 2 laps. One for one direction and one for different and after we could run another lap or play on the playscape. Justin and I played in the sandbox and then Justin had to leave."
Thursday's News
Daisy said, "Yesterday we had a butterfly come out and we have a dead butterfly in our classroom because it lost it's fluid."
Katrina said, "We had an assembly and we did a song. Trystan and Daisy were Super Stars and Allie was a Super Citizen."
Alyson said, "Today we had physical education and music. We went outside and we had to run 2 laps. One for one direction and one for different and after we could run another lap or play on the playscape. Justin and I played in the sandbox and then Justin had to leave."
Katrina said, "We had an assembly and we did a song. Trystan and Daisy were Super Stars and Allie was a Super Citizen."
Alyson said, "Today we had physical education and music. We went outside and we had to run 2 laps. One for one direction and one for different and after we could run another lap or play on the playscape. Justin and I played in the sandbox and then Justin had to leave."
Thursday's News
Daisy said, "Yesterday we had a butterfly come out and we have a dead butterfly in our classroom because it lost it's fluid."
Katrina said, "We had an assembly and we did a song. Trystan and Daisy were Super Stars and Allie was a Super Citizen."
Alyson said, "Today we had physical education and music. We went outside and we had to run 2 laps. One for one direction and one for different and after we could run another lap or play on the playscape. Justin and I played in the sandbox and then Justin had to leave."
Katrina said, "We had an assembly and we did a song. Trystan and Daisy were Super Stars and Allie was a Super Citizen."
Alyson said, "Today we had physical education and music. We went outside and we had to run 2 laps. One for one direction and one for different and after we could run another lap or play on the playscape. Justin and I played in the sandbox and then Justin had to leave."
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Wednesday's News
Trystan said, "Today we had art and we finished our Second Grade Books."
Justin said, "Today we have 5 swallow tail chrysalis in our tank."
Renee said, "Tonight is Open House and we are going to do a Tic-Tac-Toe game."
Justin said, "Today we have 5 swallow tail chrysalis in our tank."
Renee said, "Tonight is Open House and we are going to do a Tic-Tac-Toe game."
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Tuesday's News
Fred said, "Today in physical education we could do one lap with a bit of extension or we could go again and do another lap."
Allie said, "Today Fred was the Star and the whole class made a Star book for Fred."
Allie said, "Today Fred was the Star and the whole class made a Star book for Fred."
Monday, September 14, 2009
Monday's News
Friday, September 11, 2009
Friday's News
Mrs. LeFevre exclaimed, " Our class earned 100 POINTS! Our reward is that everyone can bring a favorite stuffed animal to school on Monday!"
Daisy said, "I went to Math Buckets today. Ryan and I played together with the frogs."
Madison said, "We went to physical education today."
Daisy said, "I went to Math Buckets today. Ryan and I played together with the frogs."
Madison said, "We went to physical education today."
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Thursday's News
Ryan said, "We had physical education this afternoon and we had to run the whole field 2 times."
Boris said, "Today we had math and we played Race You to 25 Cents and there was a lot of spinning and the students won and the teacher lost."
Boris said, "Today we had math and we played Race You to 25 Cents and there was a lot of spinning and the students won and the teacher lost."
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Wednesday's News
Kishan said, "Today at art we drew a picture of us underwater and finished other things."
Trystan said, "Today at Work Places Justin, Allie, Despina, and I made things really big with the pattern blocks on the table and then the air."
Katrina said, "Today when we were in Spanish we got to learn our Spanish names some more."
Trystan said, "Today at Work Places Justin, Allie, Despina, and I made things really big with the pattern blocks on the table and then the air."
Katrina said, "Today when we were in Spanish we got to learn our Spanish names some more."
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Tuesday's News
Boris said, "Today at P.E. we played Red Rover and I didn't get tagged and Alex P. didn't either."
Despina said, "Our butterfly came out of the chrysalis and we let it go."
Despina said, "Our butterfly came out of the chrysalis and we let it go."
Friday, September 4, 2009
Friday's News
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Thursday's News
Jayden said, "At gym we played Red Rover, Red Rover and I won every round except one."
Al said, "I did Work Places with Jayden, Justin, and Despina and we made a really long unifix cube stick and I accidentally stepped on it and chopped it in half."
Boris said, "We made our own people and they were made out of paper and we cut the paper and there were pom poms and feathers and we made them look like us."
Al said, "I did Work Places with Jayden, Justin, and Despina and we made a really long unifix cube stick and I accidentally stepped on it and chopped it in half."
Boris said, "We made our own people and they were made out of paper and we cut the paper and there were pom poms and feathers and we made them look like us."
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Wednesday's News
Maddie said, "Today we started Work Places in math. We did Math Buckets and I played with Despina, Renee, and Allie and we played with the frogs."
Alyson said, "We went to art today and we made books and we drew on the cover and the second page."
Alyson said, "We went to art today and we made books and we drew on the cover and the second page."
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Tuesday's News
Daisy said, "We have caterpillars in our classroom and we have 1 chrysalis in our class."
Katrina said, "We went to physical education. We got to go outside and go on the playscape and we had to run around on the whole grass before we played on the playscape."
Renee said, "Today we did sorting, patterning, and numbers."
Katrina said, "We went to physical education. We got to go outside and go on the playscape and we had to run around on the whole grass before we played on the playscape."
Renee said, "Today we did sorting, patterning, and numbers."
Monday, August 31, 2009
Monday's Newsgram
Fred said, "Today we did a fire drill."
Alex H. said, "We did a sort about the likenesses and differences of people."
Jayden said, "We had computer and library and Mrs. LeFevre sorted us into girls and boys. The boys went to the computer lab and the girls went to the library. Then we switched."
Alex H. said, "We did a sort about the likenesses and differences of people."
Jayden said, "We had computer and library and Mrs. LeFevre sorted us into girls and boys. The boys went to the computer lab and the girls went to the library. Then we switched."
Friday, August 28, 2009
Friday's News
Ryan said, "We had an activity at math and we played Butterfly Wing Addition."
Alyson said, "We learned more Spanish."
Madison said, "I shared my book from my old school."
Al said, "In the gym today I was sitting down in a corner most of the class because I wanted to play Sharks and Minnows and no one else did and then Alex H. came and took me and put a jump rope around me and pulled me."
Alyson said, "We learned more Spanish."
Madison said, "I shared my book from my old school."
Al said, "In the gym today I was sitting down in a corner most of the class because I wanted to play Sharks and Minnows and no one else did and then Alex H. came and took me and put a jump rope around me and pulled me."
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Thursday's News
Kishan said, "We did Number Corner and we added a 2 to our chart about the number of days in school."
Trystan said, "We made a fortune teller and we had to make 4 corners on each side by folding it."
Despina said, "We did a practice fire drill and we go out the door by the computer lab."
Justin said, "Our monarch caterpillar turned into a chrysalis."
Trystan said, "We made a fortune teller and we had to make 4 corners on each side by folding it."
Despina said, "We did a practice fire drill and we go out the door by the computer lab."
Justin said, "Our monarch caterpillar turned into a chrysalis."
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Wednesday's News

Mrs. LeFevre said, "Today was our 1st day in second grade!"
Allie said, "We played Chrysanthemum Bingo."
Renee said, "We did Spanish with Mrs. Zugarazo and we'll have it everyday."
Boris said, "This was our first day of school and I had Mrs. LeFevre for 2nd grade and 1st grade. I saw Alex, Kishan, and Fred from my kindergarten class."
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Tuesday's Newsgram
Ericka said, "We had a Plant Tasting Party and my mom was there and I tasted a flower!"
Sedona said, "Miss Battinelli surprised us and Jayden said...Miss Battinelli! All of us came over and hugged her."
Mickie said, "We had P.E. and music today and at P.E. we played Dodge Ball and Graciela was jump roping."
Sedona said, "Miss Battinelli surprised us and Jayden said...Miss Battinelli! All of us came over and hugged her."
Mickie said, "We had P.E. and music today and at P.E. we played Dodge Ball and Graciela was jump roping."
Monday, June 22, 2009
Monday's Newsgram
Jerome said, "I read my book to the class and it was my 3rd published book and I felt a little nervous but then I remembered that I didn't feel so nervous when I read my 1st and 2nd book. It was actually pretty fun!"
Rebecca said, "I had recess and Graciela, Ericka, and a few other people went to the pond. We saw the frog and we fed the fish."
Rebecca said, "I had recess and Graciela, Ericka, and a few other people went to the pond. We saw the frog and we fed the fish."
Friday, June 19, 2009
Friday's Newsgram
Alexey said, "Today we took our journal and writing and poem books home in a bag. Plus there is a lot of other things in it and our Father's Day stuff (and I didn't say what they are).
Sully said, "We had gym this afternoon and we played bowling and frisbee and I beat Jerome."
Graciela said, "We went on our walk for spring and I saw a bumble bee and I thought it was alive and I picked it up and it was moving."
Sully said, "We had gym this afternoon and we played bowling and frisbee and I beat Jerome."
Graciela said, "We went on our walk for spring and I saw a bumble bee and I thought it was alive and I picked it up and it was moving."
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Thursday's News
Alex said, "I noticed in the classroom that we had another cage and it had tadpoles. One of the tadpoles has all 4 of its legs. This morning we did Graciela, Ryan, Alexey, and my animal report."
Boris said, "Today we had gym and I was Ryan's partner and I got about 10 points and Ryan got about 15 or something. We were playing a game like bowling."
Jerome said, "We had science and I had to take some roots off my plant and I got 2 flowers. One for my mom and one I thought can be for the family and I hope it can grow fast."
Wednesday's News
Ryan said, "We had art and we have an art folder and I have two folders because I have more stuff."
Jayden said, "We had recess. Ryan , Alexey, Matei, and I played basketball."
Boris said, "Today we had gym and I was Ryan's partner and I got about 10 points and Ryan got about 15 or something. We were playing a game like bowling."
Jerome said, "We had science and I had to take some roots off my plant and I got 2 flowers. One for my mom and one I thought can be for the family and I hope it can grow fast."
Wednesday's News
Ryan said, "We had art and we have an art folder and I have two folders because I have more stuff."
Jayden said, "We had recess. Ryan , Alexey, Matei, and I played basketball."
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Tuesday's Newsgram
Boris said, "We had physical education and music this afternoon. At recess we had the Teddy Bear Picnic and my mommy, daddy, Igor, and Sergei didn't give me dessert because I didn't want them."
Ericka said, "We had lima beans and mine split in half."
Graciela said, "We saw a hummingbird outside and it was at the bird feeder and not the humming bird feeder."
Ericka said, "We had lima beans and mine split in half."
Graciela said, "We saw a hummingbird outside and it was at the bird feeder and not the humming bird feeder."
Monday, June 15, 2009
Monday's Newsgram
Matei explained, "Today at recess, when I played, I liked it when I was playing elevator and getting people to different floors."
Ericka said, "We had science and I noticed that the seed had a little crack."
Stephen said, "We had math and I finished my farm folder."
Ericka said, "We had science and I noticed that the seed had a little crack."
Stephen said, "We had math and I finished my farm folder."
Friday, June 12, 2009
Friday's Newsgram
Rebecca said, "We had free time and we made fish kites."
Stephen said, "We had extra recess and I went to Legoes and I made a prison and there were so many bars and I made my own prison mobile."
Boris said, "Today we had P. E. and music and at music we clapped almost all of the boys and girls names."
Stephen said, "We had extra recess and I went to Legoes and I made a prison and there were so many bars and I made my own prison mobile."
Boris said, "Today we had P. E. and music and at music we clapped almost all of the boys and girls names."
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Thursday's News
Daisy said, "We did our farms and we had to glue stuff onto our farm and some of us had to take some things off of our farms. I saw 2 hummingbirds!"
Rebecca said, "We went to gym and we played with frisbees."
Matei said, "Today when we were making our farms, I saw 3 birds at the bird feeder and I see one right now while we are doing our blog."
Rebecca said, "We went to gym and we played with frisbees."
Matei said, "Today when we were making our farms, I saw 3 birds at the bird feeder and I see one right now while we are doing our blog."
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Wednesday's News
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Tuesday's Newsgram
Mickie said, "We had gym and we had these tubes and we put them on 2 sides of the gym and then we had a frisbee. If it landed on the ground and knocked over a pin then that is one point."
Daisy said, "We saw hummingbirds when we were this blog. They were on the red feeder outside our windows. I saw the first hummingbird."
Daisy said, "We saw hummingbirds when we were this blog. They were on the red feeder outside our windows. I saw the first hummingbird."
Monday, June 8, 2009
Monday's Newsgram

Mickie exclaimed, "We had poem time and we had a poem called Sunflakes and we made sunflakes and sunflakes are hot!"
Jayden shouted, "This morning everybody in the class saw the tadpoles and 2 of the tadpoles grew into frogs!"
Jerome whispered , "I saw 2 humming birds and I saw one in the middle of math."
Friday, June 5, 2009
Friday's Newsgram

Katrina said, "We had a show with violins and cellos. Sedona and Boris where in the show."
Boris said, "Today we had sharing and I had this little book and it had little pictures of me."
Margo said, "Today we did Cast-A-Spell and my partner was Ryan and we spelled our different lists and I had to go first."
Mrs. LeFevre said, "We have tadpoles in our classroom and some of them are growing legs!"
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Thursday's News
Renee said, "Today we had gym and music and at gym we went outside and played with frisbees and Rebecca was my partner."
Katrina said, "We had handwriting and we finished our handwriting books by doing X and Y. I only have 2 pages left in my book then I can hand it in.
Katrina said, "We had handwriting and we finished our handwriting books by doing X and Y. I only have 2 pages left in my book then I can hand it in.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Wednesday's News
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Tuesday's Newsgram
Sedona said, "We had music and we watched a movie called The Little Red Hen and there were instruments in it instead of animals."
Renee said, "We has a special visitor and we worked on our All About Me books."
Renee said, "We has a special visitor and we worked on our All About Me books."
Monday, June 1, 2009
Monday's Newsgram
Graciela said, "We had library and I thought I didn't bring my book back but I already did and I got a book about tigers."
Mickie said, "My mom read a book called Julius and it was about s boy's father who is trying to find a gorilla for the circus."
Mickie said, "My mom read a book called Julius and it was about s boy's father who is trying to find a gorilla for the circus."
Friday, May 29, 2009
Friday's Newsgram
Jayden said, "We had gym and we played volleyball and we had 2 balls going at the same time and I hit one all the way up to the ceiling and it went into the basketball net when the basketball hoop was up."
Jerome said, "When we were doing Must-Do's, I was doing everything and I was just in time to finish number 3. I wanted to go to the Writing Center so I could go to writing and conference so I could publish my book."
Boris said, "I liked when Ryan San Angelo did his songs and they were awesome and when he read both of the books."
Here is a link to Ryan San Angelo's website!
Jerome said, "When we were doing Must-Do's, I was doing everything and I was just in time to finish number 3. I wanted to go to the Writing Center so I could go to writing and conference so I could publish my book."
Boris said, "I liked when Ryan San Angelo did his songs and they were awesome and when he read both of the books."
Here is a link to Ryan San Angelo's website!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Wednesday's News
Stephen said, "We had free drawing time and I drew the cab of the fastest train in the U.S."
Matei said, "Today we had art and we made paintings and before we painted we watched a movie and this girl goes to this garden that Monet drew and they had a long way to go."
Matei said, "Today we had art and we made paintings and before we painted we watched a movie and this girl goes to this garden that Monet drew and they had a long way to go."
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Tuesday's Newsgram
Alexey said, "We had physical education and we played lacrosse golf and I had 4 people in my group and they were: Alex, Sully, Ryan, and me! Ryan was very silly when he was playing. He was throwing the lacrosse ball and it was falling behind the basket."
Sully said, "We had Number Corner and it was really short and I finished it."
Sully said, "We had Number Corner and it was really short and I finished it."
Friday, May 22, 2009
Friday's Newsgram
Jerome said, "We had lunch and recess. At recess I played with Dawson and we really didn't have any time to play because we were just walking around and thinking of stuff to do."
Matei said, " Today when we were inside the classroom I got a lot of stars to put up on the chart. When we were listening to Ryan's story, I liked it because at the Author's page he said that he liked riding his bike and I like it too."
Matei said, " Today when we were inside the classroom I got a lot of stars to put up on the chart. When we were listening to Ryan's story, I liked it because at the Author's page he said that he liked riding his bike and I like it too."
Thursday's News
Alex said, "We had PE and music and we played bocce ball."
Alexey said, "Alex was burning hot today and he felt he was sick so he went to the nurse. He got an ice pack but it didn't work so he drank water."
Alexey said, "Alex was burning hot today and he felt he was sick so he went to the nurse. He got an ice pack but it didn't work so he drank water."
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Wednesday's News
Boris said, "We had math and we made our hearts out of paper. We are making a quilt. We made them out of blue, black, green, and white paper."
Jayden said, "We had art and I painted flowers coming from a tree and a starry night."
Jayden said, "We had art and I painted flowers coming from a tree and a starry night."
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Tuesday's Newsgram
Ryan said, "We had physical education and music this afternoon. In gym we played lacrosse bocce and whoever threw the ball far from their lacrosse basket won."
Alexey said, "We had math and at math we worked on our farms and we already did goats, sheep, and cows and today we did pigs. Very soon we are going to do hens."
Alexey said, "We had math and at math we worked on our farms and we already did goats, sheep, and cows and today we did pigs. Very soon we are going to do hens."
Friday, May 15, 2009
Friday's Newsgram
Rebecca said, "Today we had free time and I went to buttons and Sedona, Renee, and Graciela, and I gathered all the pretty ones."
Renee said, "We had physical education and we played lacrosse outside and we played it like it was 'monkey in the middle, and my partners were Rebecca and Graciela."
Renee said, "We had physical education and we played lacrosse outside and we played it like it was 'monkey in the middle, and my partners were Rebecca and Graciela."
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Thursday's News
Daisy said, "We had physical education and we played lacrosse."
Sully said, "We played farm and I got almost all my stuff glued down."
Sully said, "We played farm and I got almost all my stuff glued down."
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Wednesday's News
Margo said, "Today we had a field trip and I pretended that I was graduating and today we saw Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day play."
Ryan said, "We worked on a field trip paper and I colored really neatly and it took me about 10 minutes."
Mrs. LeFevre said, "I am so proud of how we represented Vinton School on our field trip today! Remember that tomorrow is Comfy Cozy Day!"
Ryan said, "We worked on a field trip paper and I colored really neatly and it took me about 10 minutes."
Mrs. LeFevre said, "I am so proud of how we represented Vinton School on our field trip today! Remember that tomorrow is Comfy Cozy Day!"
Monday, May 11, 2009
Monday's Newsgram
Margo said, "Today I had computer and I went to Spellcity and I'm on level 3 and I had to print my word list 2 times because I made so many mistakes."
Boris said, "Today we had lunch and recess and at recess Keegan and James played basketball with me and I got 6 shots in a row!"
Boris said, "Today we had lunch and recess and at recess Keegan and James played basketball with me and I got 6 shots in a row!"
Friday, May 8, 2009
Friday's Newsgram
Katrina said, "We had physical education and we got to go outside and we played a game and Sedona was on my team."
Daisy said, "We made boxes 2 days ago and we made a present to go in the box and we get to bring them home and we made another thing for our mom."
Rebecca said, "We learned about goats and we saw pictures of goats."
Mrs. LeFevre says, "Happy Mother's Day!"
Daisy said, "We made boxes 2 days ago and we made a present to go in the box and we get to bring them home and we made another thing for our mom."
Rebecca said, "We learned about goats and we saw pictures of goats."
Mrs. LeFevre says, "Happy Mother's Day!"
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Thursday's News
Renee said, "We had gym and we had a game of hockey and there was red and blue and my team won."
Ericka said, "We worked on our farms and I had to pay $30 for a house."
Ericka said, "We worked on our farms and I had to pay $30 for a house."
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Wednesday's News
Sully said, "We had art and we made flowers and I made 3."
Alex said, "We had writing and I did a lot. I finished 2 papers and I got onto my 3rd paper and I used 3 or 4 lines and I could do more but my brain was all out of stuff."
Alex said, "We had writing and I did a lot. I finished 2 papers and I got onto my 3rd paper and I used 3 or 4 lines and I could do more but my brain was all out of stuff."
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Tuesday's Newsgram
Sedona said, "We had physical education and we played hockey and Renee was my partner for hockey."
Renee said, "We had writing and we made a web of ideas for our farm animals."
Boris said, "Today we had made 2 flowers."
Renee said, "We had writing and we made a web of ideas for our farm animals."
Boris said, "Today we had made 2 flowers."
Monday, May 4, 2009
Monday's Newsgram
Graciela said, "We were starting to learn about farms and I wondered if the farmer sleeps on a big bed or a little bed."
Katrina said, "We had reading and we read My Little Farm poem."
Margo said, "Today we had computer and library. At computer I went to Spellcity and I'm on level 2."
Katrina said, "We had reading and we read My Little Farm poem."
Margo said, "Today we had computer and library. At computer I went to Spellcity and I'm on level 2."
Friday, May 1, 2009
Friday's Newsgram
Jayden said, "Today it was Miss Battinelli's last day and we had a big party and I ate all the watermelons and Miss Battinelli got her own paper cutter."
Sully said, "We had gym and Jerome, Boris, Alex and I played kickball and nobody won."
Miss Battinelli said, "Today was my last day and you all surprised me with a party and it was wonderful and I will miss you but I will be back for your field trip!"
Sully said, "We had gym and Jerome, Boris, Alex and I played kickball and nobody won."
Miss Battinelli said, "Today was my last day and you all surprised me with a party and it was wonderful and I will miss you but I will be back for your field trip!"
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Thursday's News
Stephen said, "We went to physical education and we played outside."
Daisy said, "We read the book If You Give A Pig a Pancake."
Mickie said, "We had Must-Do's and there was this page and it said 'If you give a pig ____ then she will want _______. I wrote: If you give a pig a cat then she'll want some yarn to go with it."
Daisy said, "We read the book If You Give A Pig a Pancake."
Mickie said, "We had Must-Do's and there was this page and it said 'If you give a pig ____ then she will want _______. I wrote: If you give a pig a cat then she'll want some yarn to go with it."
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wednesday's News
Rebecca said, "We had Work Places and I went to a Work Place called Cube Moves."
Ericka said, "We had Art and I made a picture about spring."
Ericka said, "We had Art and I made a picture about spring."
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Monday's Newsgram
Jerome said, "We had computer and library and I went up a level to level 4 in Spellcity."
Renee said, "Mrs. Yeager came and we made our Kindness Quilt and I drew a picture of me feeding Sally and Jerome did when Stephen didn't have anything to do at recess for a long time, Jerome played with him."
Renee said, "Mrs. Yeager came and we made our Kindness Quilt and I drew a picture of me feeding Sally and Jerome did when Stephen didn't have anything to do at recess for a long time, Jerome played with him."
Friday, April 17, 2009
Friday's Newsgram
Alexey said, "We had physical education and we played hockey for the third time in the week and since we were very good playing hockey for about 10 minutes he let us go outside and play on the playscape.
Ryan said, "Miss Battinelli taught us a new Work Place that we can play Monday after vacation."
Renee said, "We had special visitors and we learned baby animal names and it was interesting because my teacher's name last year was Mrs. Terry and one of the visitors name's was Miss Terry."
Ryan said, "Miss Battinelli taught us a new Work Place that we can play Monday after vacation."
Renee said, "We had special visitors and we learned baby animal names and it was interesting because my teacher's name last year was Mrs. Terry and one of the visitors name's was Miss Terry."
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Thursday's Newsgram
Alex said, "We had physical education and music and at music we did something fun and my riser had Jayden, Stephen, Matei, Renee and a few other people and I got everything right."
Alexey said, "We made some very delicious pretzels and we used two different flours and some other things and then we made them into shapes and then we baked them in the oven and it turned into pretzels."
Alexey said, "We made some very delicious pretzels and we used two different flours and some other things and then we made them into shapes and then we baked them in the oven and it turned into pretzels."
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Wednesday's Newsgram
Ryan said, "We had lunch in the classroom because we stayed on green or yellow on Monday, Tuesday and today."
Jerome said, "We had art and we finished our dioramas."
Stephen said, "We had 100 stars for our mystery reward."
Jerome said, "We had art and we finished our dioramas."
Stephen said, "We had 100 stars for our mystery reward."
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Tuesday's Newsgram
Boris said, "Today at physical education we played hockey and I was trying to score a point on the wall."
Jayden said, "I stayed on green all day and I got a Happy Gram."
Katrina said, "We had Number Corner and we did a math Workplace on the Smart Board."
Jayden said, "I stayed on green all day and I got a Happy Gram."
Katrina said, "We had Number Corner and we did a math Workplace on the Smart Board."
Monday, April 13, 2009
Monday's Newsgram
Rebecca said, "We had Work Places and I went to the one with the doggie bone and I won."
Sedona said, "We had library and computers. We had library and we picked 5 favorite books from the book fair."
Ericka said, "We read a story called Lost. It was about a bear getting lost and the boy helped the bear get home to his real home."
Mrs. LeFevre said, "Good luck to those who will be participating in Vinton's No TV Week! Have fun finding things to do! Enjoy the outside, come to one of the many events going on at Vinton, play a board game, read a book...use your imagination!"
Sedona said, "We had library and computers. We had library and we picked 5 favorite books from the book fair."
Ericka said, "We read a story called Lost. It was about a bear getting lost and the boy helped the bear get home to his real home."
Mrs. LeFevre said, "Good luck to those who will be participating in Vinton's No TV Week! Have fun finding things to do! Enjoy the outside, come to one of the many events going on at Vinton, play a board game, read a book...use your imagination!"
Sunday, April 5, 2009
April Newsletter
I sent home a paper copy of our April Newsletter but I also wanted to add it to our blog. If you would like to opt out of the paper copy for May and June because you'll look here or at the Vinton Grade 1 Website for it, just let me know!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Practice Your Spelling!
I just added a new link to our favorite websites that will allow you to practice your spelling words. You can practice the words through games and test yourself to see how well you are doing! Have fun learning!
Mrs. L.
Mrs. L.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Today we worked on a new voicethread about penguins. It is not ready yet because we were having some trouble with the microphone. We also looked at our 100th day voicethread and that seemed to have some trouble with the was just one of THOSE days!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
We are going to be performing our penguin song at the Vinton Assembly on Thursday. Come and see our life-size penguins and hear what we've learned.
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