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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wednesday's News

Jayden said, "This morning we did turkey cookies. Trystan and I don't like candy corn so we just did chocolate chips and frosting."

Justin said, "Today in lunch we could sit where ever we wanted. Kishan, Jayden, Josh, Austin, John, Fred, Trystan, Al and I were eating lunch together."

Ryan said, "We did turkey cookies this morning with Boris's mom and we got to do 2. I saved both of my cookies so my sister could have one."

Mrs. LeFevre said, "Have a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!"


  1. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving at your house. We had a big crowd. We had 19 people for dinner. It was fun. See you on monday.

    from, Boris

  2. Great job on the cookies...Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving ...and i know Henry had a great time with Alyson and boy did he eat...He was "Stuffed"! -Alyson's Mom, Colleen
