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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thursday's News

Stephen said, "We went to physical education and we played outside."

Daisy said, "We read the book If You Give A Pig a Pancake."

Mickie said, "We had Must-Do's and there was this page and it said 'If you give a pig ____ then she will want _______. I wrote: If you give a pig a cat then she'll want some yarn to go with it."

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wednesday's News

Rebecca said, "We had Work Places and I went to a Work Place called Cube Moves."

Ericka said, "We had Art and I made a picture about spring."

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sedona said, "It was my Birthday today and I brought in yellow and pink vanilla cupcakes."
Sully said, "We had music and we played a game with an ant lion."
Graciela said, "We had reading and it was kind of short and it was fun. We read That Toad is Mine and I liked it!"

Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday's Newsgram

Jerome said, "We had computer and library and I went up a level to level 4 in Spellcity."

Renee said, "Mrs. Yeager came and we made our Kindness Quilt and I drew a picture of me feeding Sally and Jerome did when Stephen didn't have anything to do at recess for a long time, Jerome played with him."

Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday's Newsgram

Alexey said, "We had physical education and we played hockey for the third time in the week and since we were very good playing hockey for about 10 minutes he let us go outside and play on the playscape.

Ryan said, "Miss Battinelli taught us a new Work Place that we can play Monday after vacation."

Renee said, "We had special visitors and we learned baby animal names and it was interesting because my teacher's name last year was Mrs. Terry and one of the visitors name's was Miss Terry."

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thursday's Newsgram

Alex said, "We had physical education and music and at music we did something fun and my riser had Jayden, Stephen, Matei, Renee and a few other people and I got everything right."

Alexey said, "We made some very delicious pretzels and we used two different flours and some other things and then we made them into shapes and then we baked them in the oven and it turned into pretzels."

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday's Newsgram

Ryan said, "We had lunch in the classroom because we stayed on green or yellow on Monday, Tuesday and today."

Jerome said, "We had art and we finished our dioramas."

Stephen said, "We had 100 stars for our mystery reward."

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tuesday's Newsgram

Boris said, "Today at physical education we played hockey and I was trying to score a point on the wall."

Jayden said, "I stayed on green all day and I got a Happy Gram."

Katrina said, "We had Number Corner and we did a math Workplace on the Smart Board."

Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday's Newsgram

Rebecca said, "We had Work Places and I went to the one with the doggie bone and I won."
Sedona said, "We had library and computers. We had library and we picked 5 favorite books from the book fair."

Ericka said, "We read a story called Lost. It was about a bear getting lost and the boy helped the bear get home to his real home."

Mrs. LeFevre said, "Good luck to those who will be participating in Vinton's No TV Week! Have fun finding things to do! Enjoy the outside, come to one of the many events going on at Vinton, play a board game, read a book...use your imagination!"

Sunday, April 5, 2009

April Newsletter

I sent home a paper copy of our April Newsletter but I also wanted to add it to our blog. If you would like to opt out of the paper copy for May and June because you'll look here or at the Vinton Grade 1 Website for it, just let me know!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Practice Your Spelling!

I just added a new link to our favorite websites that will allow you to practice your spelling words. You can practice the words through games and test yourself to see how well you are doing! Have fun learning!
Mrs. L.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

adding more

trying my best to add new stuff