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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thursday's News

Colten said, "Today we went to the Computer Lab and we made a thank you letter for Taylor's grandmother about the experience.  I drew a picture of the exploding bottles."

Jayson said, "Mrs. Yeager was here reading a book about The Runaway Rice Cake.  They only had a little bit of food and it ran away.  The people were running to catch it and the Rice Cake hit the old woman."

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wednesday's News

Aiden said, "Today we went to music and learned a different blue bird song.  You had to tap someone, hold onto their shoulders and move like a chain.  We also did a whistle song."

Jadyn and Shawn said, "Today we did something in science.  We put cups on the floor and put water in them and an antacid tablet in them and then capped it.  The caps went up and exploded!  A solid and liquid came together and made a gas.  It was trying to escape and that is why it exploded."

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday's News

Sofia said, "Today we went to gym and did gymnastics. You could do somersaults, cartwheels and there was one place you could jump off the stage onto the crash may and then run and do a somersault on the pad."

Shawn said, "Today Mrs. Terry came and told us about the Science Fair and Invention Convention and we watched a little video with Grover in it. Grover saw glitter and screamed, 'Glitter , Glitter!' He thought it was for the volcano outside but it was really for fun. At the end the dinosaurs came."

Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday's News

Declan said, "We went to gym and it was a free day and we could play volleyball, basketball or hula hoops.  We could also play tag or polo."

Louis said, "We learned a new frog game for math workplaces.  Mrs. LeFevre was facing David and David won."

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wednesday's News

Ava said, "Today is Fair and Share Day and a lot of people brought their cards for everybody. At the end if the day the teacher said we could look at our cards and have one thing to eat."

Symarie said, "We went to the gym and we practiced for the concert.  We sang and Mrs. Frascarelli sang with us and she played the piano."

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wednesday's News

Ben said, "Today we had music and we got ready for our concert and picked our spots and sang some songs. Then we went into the gym and went onto the bleachers on the stage and Mrs. Frascarelli told us how to get on and off them and then we had 10 minutes of free time in the gym."

Taylor said, "My Mimi came to teach us science and we got to make what everyone thought was a potion but it was oil, corn syrup and colored water and we saw that the corn syrup went to the bottom because it was the heaviest."

Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday's News

Jessica said, "Today we went gym and there was a substitute teacher and we played hockey without any goals.  There were big sticks and some kids chose them and some chose a stick that had black on it."

Ava said, "Today is the 100th day of school and some people brought in 100 things and some people brought it in before the 100th day of school. I was going to bring in cupcakes but when we put the frosting on they broke.  I made something with beads and ironed it and it is a 100."

Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday's News

Hunter said, "Today we read The Wolf's Chicken Stew and the wolf came to the chicken's house and looked into the door lock and thought the chicken must be fat by now.  The little chicks gave him 100 kisses and the wolf said, 'Aww shucks!' "

Jayson said, "We celebrated Anthony's birthday and he gave us 2 cookies and we got to have juice or water."

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday's News

Ava said, "Today we went to computer and we went to and went in the math section. One thing I played was a firework game and you were supposed to find the right number so you could have a firework."

Shawn said, "Today if we went to the art center we had to make a Valentine's card for somebody and then you could make your own project."