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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Monday's News

Alex stated, "Today at math time we got a package from Peru in South America.  We needed to help someone because there was a problem."

Sergei added, "We celebrated Ayanna's birthday today and she brought in cupcakes and they were very good because they had lots and lots of icing on the cupcakes."

Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday's News

Nicholas said, "We went to music and at music we marched around the room."

Karolina stated, "Today we played games for 10 minutes.  sSe people drew and some people played checkers.  Aynna and I played Bingo."

Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday's News

Serenity said, "We went to gym and at gym there was not lacrosse any more, it was Frisbees.  We couldn't play outside because it was raining.  There were 3 stations."

Carrie stated, "We celebrated Sam's un-birthday.  Lots of people gave him penguins and eagles.  His real birthday is July 23rd.  He brought in chocolate cupcakes."

Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday's News

Ayanna stated, "We did science.  We compared seeds and we looked at bulbs and also different kinds of seeds."

Julianna explained, "We went to music and at music we sang a song called Ebenezer Sneezer.  People played bells while we sang the song."

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thursday's News

Brendan explained, "We had snack and for snack I had Goldfish.  We had snack right after the assembly.  At the assembly we sang a long song called This Land is Your Land."

Benjamin stated, "We went to art.  We made dinosaur pictures. I made a long neck."

Tommy added, "We planted our lima bean seeds today and we planted them in milk cartons.  We put soil in them and we planted the seed and Alex watered them."

Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday's News

Mrs. LeFevre added, "
This link shows a video that we watched showing the Endeavour Space Shuttle's last lift off for space!"

Aeralyn stated, "We went to gym and we played Lacrosse Dodgeball and we went to 3 different stations and one of them was Monkey in the Middle.  I had fun."

Ayanna explained, "Today we did science and we studied seeds.  What we did was measure the length of the seed and we used a magnifying glass to look at it.  Finally we put water in a little container and put the seed inside of the water.  Tomorrow we are going to see if they seed will change color or will not have a line."

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday's News

Aeralyn explained, "We went to gym and we played a game called lacrosse and we got to have partners and I had fun."

Karolina stated, "We did Writer's Workshop and I made a story about Alice and Her Two Pets.  It is a chapter book and I have 2 chapters.  I made another book about If You Give a Koala a Doughnut."

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thursday's News

Kate said, "Today we got back our rocketships with our space.  I still have my Pluto and it is the smallest one.  We also traced our hands and we glued them onto a black piece of paper.  We could make designs."

Kiley stated, "We had Writer's Workshop and I am thinking of publishing another book.  It's about my family."

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Monday's News

Anderson stated, "We had an assembly and I played violin and I saw Ben's sister and Anthony's friend, Anatole, on the stage."

Ben explained, "We had computer and library and greenhouse this afternoon.  We checked on our cucumbers in the greenhouse and we did computer for the second thing and then the third thing was library."

Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday's News

Sergei stated, "We did lacrosse today and I caught the pop up, the very high one."

Logan explained, "We had snack and at snack I ate apple cinnamon applesauce that was shaped like a little Capri Sun.  After we ate snack we put a poem called 'Maytime Magic' into our poem books."

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thursday's News

Aeralyn said, "We went to art and we painted our rocket ships and decorated the rocket ships and got to put fire on it.  The fire was made from red, orange and yellow tissue paper."

Logan stated, "We had Work Places and I went to the new one and I used a strategy by putting the numbers from 1-15 in the shapes.  It allowed me to work better from sheet 1-4."

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wednesday's News

Serenity stated, "We went to music and at music we watched a short video about music at New York and there was a bear story."

Nadine explained, "We had indoor recess.  I went to the library.  I was playing with the dollhouse with Ava.  We were the first ones that were cleaned up."

Ava added, "We played a game in our classroom called Guess What Shape is in My Pocket?  On the first game the shape was the triangle; it was large and green and it had a one square side on it. At the 2nd game it was the hexagon, the hexagon was yellow and we needed to talk about it."

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tuesday's News

Ben M. stated, "We had extra recess.  We did it after math. I did the monkey bars for my first time right to left.  I almost got to the  other side left to right."

Anderson added, "We got 100 stars and the Mystery Reward said that we got extra recess and Tommy, Nicholas, Sergei, Sam, Benjamin, Alex and I played tag altogether."

Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday's News

Leon stated, "Today Kiley bought a book about a President.  It had a  lot of Presidents' pictures.  It was about having a girl President."

Logan explained, "We had gym and at gym we learned a new game and it was just like the one last week called Tower and it was with a partner or by yourself.  The only difference is that  when we did the Tower game last week we had to build the tower with everyone."