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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesday's News

Kate explained, "Today we read a story called Yes Day! and it was a book that was dedicated from the book fair from Alex.  It was a really good book!"

Julianna stated, "We went to library and computer today.  At computers we wrote  thank you  notes to Miss P. and Miss Long."

Kiley added, "Today we celebrated Karolina's birthday and made a birthday book for her.  I gave her a teddy bear."

Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday's News

Logan explained, "We had gym and at gym we either did bowling or we did a game called Tower and they had cylinders and frisbees and pins to build."

Nicholas screamed, "We watched a video of shapes.  We saw a sphere it was like a circle that's 3-D."

Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday's News

Benjamin screamed, "We celebrated my birthday today!  The cupcakes looked like popcorn but they were actually marshmallows that were white and yellow.  My real birthday is tomorrow, on Saturday."

Sam stated, "We had gym.  The boys went on the trestle tree first.  The girls played volleyball first.  I got three strikes in volleyball."

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday's News

Ava said, "We went to art and we made outer space and it was with planets that were the  colors of pink, green, blue, red, orange and purple.  I made it all of those colors and I made 10 planets.  The next time we go we will make a ship to put on our outer space project.  We even brought our snowmen wrapped up with paper and 2 rubber bands over the paper home."

Tommy shouted, "Today at math we did a Guess What's in the Pocket? game and it was a tiny red triangle.  It was fun to play the game, I liked it because it was fun to play.  We did Sergei's game.  Karolina was the winner."

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wednesday's News

Brendan chimed in, "We had  handwriting this morning and we did letters A, H, and K.  I did not do very good because I have don't have any of those upper case letters in my name."

Leon yelled, "Today we went to gym and we played Star Wars on the trestle tree and I gave a light saber to Brendan and the teacher said you need to give the light saber to Logan because he didn't have a turn."

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tuesday's News

Karolina stated, "We went to the greenhouse and we planted seeds.  We looked at the greenhouse.  We planted cucumbers."

Ayanna  exclaimed,  "We went to the library and in the library we got to do a wish list because it's the book fair.  I picked Teeny Tiny Animals as one of my books!"

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday's News

Nicholas shared, "We went to gym and we played a Star Wars game.  You had to stay on the Trestle Tree and if you fell onto the blue mat you had to say 'let the force be with me' 10 times."

Logan laughed, "We made bunnies for spring and I made a white bunny and I named him, Old Grandpa."

Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday's News

Sam said, "We read Max's Words. I liked it because it had a crocodile and it was about Max who cut out the words from magazines and newspapers."

Carrie added, "We did chicks and the chicks are in eggs.  I worked with Mrs. Barnett."

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thursday's News

Sergei stated,  "We went to art today and I made a flower out of paper and drew it with a pencil and traced it and then colored it."

Ayanna exclaimed, "Today we had our Mystery Reward and our Mystery Reward was movie and popcorn.  The movie was named Playball and it was about the papa bear forgetting the word fun!"

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday's News

Aeralyn exclaimed, "We went to music and gym and at music we did 'tee's and ta's and rests'. I had fun!"

Kiley laughed, "Today we did a math game called 'What's in the Bag?'  There were triangles, rectangles, trapezoids and hexagons."

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday's News

Logan stated, "We had library and  computer.  At computer I made a solar system scene using the program Pixie.  At library I picked out a book called The Magic Tree House Mummies in the Morning.

Anderson screamed, "We read The Magic Tree House Eve of the Emperor Penguin and we left off when Jack and Annie saw the penguins ice skating!"

Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday's News

Julianna exclaimed, "We went to gym this afternoon.  At gym there were 2 new trestles, one had a big trestle connected to one of them and on the other side of the trestle there was a spider web."

Kate shouted, "For math time we did the penguin problems and and I think I got a 3+ on everyone of them!"

Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday's News

Serenity exclaimed, "Today Mrs. Yeager came and read us a cool book about trains.  The lesson was never to give up.  I liked the book!"

Ben M stated, "We had physical education and music this afternoon.  At music we played Funny Pussy Cat."