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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday's News

Kyleigh said,  "We did gym and the trestle tree was up and there were bars.  There was a rope bridge and I went across it."

Jamie said, "We talked about mittens and gloves today.  We learned that you couldn't pick a lot of stuff up without a thumb."

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thursday's News

Amelia said, "Today we went to computer and went to and we practiced telling time and did a game with coins."

Eric said, "We read THE SNOWY DAY book on the Smartboard and it is a book about this kid named Peter who woke up one day and saw lots of snow on the ground."

Friday, January 4, 2013

Friday's News

Deanna said, " Today we did handwriting and we focused on the letter S it was lower case. We wrote fish and fat."

Nevaeh said, "We made a snowman. We made a paper snowman with paper clothes."

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Thursday's News

Chieh-Er said, "Today at library we read a book called Funny Frank and the chicks kept staring at the ducks."

Eric said, "We copied our wishes for the New Year on big paper and then drew a picture of it too."

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wednesday's News

Jonas said, "We had P.E. and music and P.E. was really fun because the trestle tree is going up.  We did the swinging rope and the climbing rope. On the climbing rope I wasn't so good."

Ben said, "Today in math we did flaps and it was the 10 flap. I saw through mostly all of the papers."