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Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday's News

Anthony said, "We read a story called The Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree and we talked about how an apple tree changes through the different seasons."

Ben said, "At art we painted flowers and we put details into the sides."

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thursday's News

Sofia said, "We made applesauce with apples and water. I wanted cinnamon and sugar on it."

Jayden said, "We did math with the apples. We measured them and wanted to know if the seeds would sink or float."

Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday's News

Hunter said, "I had fun at school today when we were measuring things in the classroom. We used Popsicle sticks."

Sam said, "Today we went to gym and we ran a lap outside and once we passed the finish line we went in the play scape for a few minutes and then we went inside and played volleyball and birdie."

Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday's News

Jayson said, "We put a ball in the water to see if it would float. It' didn't. We put a pattern block in the water and it floated. Then we put a stamp in the water and it floated. We also put a clip in there and it floated. Then we did experiments with a magnet and it stuck to the clip and the we tried a ball and it fell off."

Samantha said, "We went to art and we cut out paint that we did the last time and made designs of fall like pumpkins. When we were done we painted stuff on the paper with gold paint and silver a little."

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thursday's News

Jessica said, "We found out that I wasn't so bad at the game because usually I don't win, somebody else does but today  I won! I matched faces and their names. I felt good!"

Sofia said, "We found out things about Johnny Appleseed because we read the book. Mrs. LeFevre pretended to be Johnny Appleseed and we asked her questions."

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday's News

Declan said, "We read Johnny Appleseed  and found out he was born in 1774."

Jaydn said, "We played volleyball in gym."

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday's News

Taylor said, "Mrs. Tinnel came and read us books. One was Sofie's Squash and it was about a squash that Sofie got at the farmer's market and held it all the time and one day she planted it and it made a big tree."

David said, "We found out that the book from the big bag was Johnny Appleseed by Steven Kellogg. It is a folk tale and we are going to read it tomorrow."

Mrs. LeFevre said, "Happy Constitution Day!"

Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday's News

Louis said, "Today we wrote a poem about fall."

Colten said, "We learned 2 new math workplaces, one is geobands and geoboards and the other is flip and write."

Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday's News

Anthony said, "We put the coins in the week chart. We had 20 cents this week and 16 cents last week.  We had more in week 2."

Taylor said, "We learned about a-e-i-o-u, they are the vowels."

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday's News

Ben said, "We did consonants and vowels. We did a paper about it and if you got all the consonants and vowels you would find a message."

Ava said, "We did Raz-Kids in the computer lab. You can get better at your reading."

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wednesday's News

Hunter said, "We went to Turtle Island today and learned about how ice melts. The jello was made out of jumpy liquid and when it melts it turns to juice."

Symarie said, "We did our name graphs and my name has 7 letters so does Anthony and Jessica."

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tuesday's News

Jayson said, "Today we watched a movie because we had a reward. We also got popcorn."

Louis said, "Mrs. Tinnel came and read us a book and she left us books."

Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday's News

Samantha said, "We pulled out of the Mystery Reward Bag because we filled up all 100 stars in 9 days! We get a movie and popcorn."

Anthony said, "I made a house out of polydrons."

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thursday's News

Jaydn said, "We saw a black bird looking at us when we first started our walk yesterday.  I had to write about it and draw a picture about it today."

Jessica said, "I was right when I said the Popsicles tasted like their colors. Mrs. LeFevre bought 18 Popsicles and we only needed 15. We had 3 left over."

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wednesday's News

Mrs. LeFevre exclaimed, "We went on a wonderful summer walk today and tomorrow we will make a big book about it!"

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tuesday's News

Taylor said, "We made a Popsicle chart about flavors and we matched them up and saw what had more."

David said, "Some people did math workplaces. I went to unifix cubes and I built a really, really long snake that was 100 feet."