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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Tuesday's News

Myiah said, "Today we had computers and the people that didn't have any work in their hands went to any computer they wanted."

Kali said, "Today we were making snowmen out of marshmallows, pretzels, chocolate chips and Twizzlers.  Ben's was a robot and mine was Olaf."

Mrs. LeFevre said, "Happy Holidays to all! I will see you in the New Year!"

Monday, December 22, 2014

Monday's News

Tanah said, "Today at the end of the day I played The Snowman Game and Zia and I tied so far but we didn't finish."

Nevaeha said, "We went to gym and we played 1,2, 3 Look and in the first round I looked at Celina and it was fun and I liked it."

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Thursday's News

John said, "Today  we had Math Workplaces. Today I was at Cats and Mice and I played with Blake.  We played 6 games until someone won and I think Blake won."

Celina said, "Today we had art.  We painted our snowmen.  I finished mine."

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Wednesday's News

Cuin said, "For Read Aloud today I read a book.  The name of the book was Mixels and the title was Time to Mix.  It was a lot of fun!"

Colton said, "Today we went to the gym and we played Everybody's It.  When someone tags another person they have to go down on one knee.  The person who got tagged has to watch the person that tagged them and has to watch them until they get tagged and then you can get back up."

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tuesday's News

Myiah said, "Today we celebrated my birthday. I got to pick a prize out of the Birthday Box and I chose erasers and Dennis helped me."

Dennis said, "Today we had computer and we went on to Raz Kids and after we were done with our quiz we got to do the rocket."

Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday's News

Gus said, "Today we wrote something about what St. Nicholas did when we were sleeping at night.  He leaves presents in people's shoes.  We couldn't leave our shoes at school because our parents would get mad so we made paper shoes."

Kali said, "Today we put a poem in our books and we made bells."

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Wednesday's News

Olivia said, "Today was my birthday and we had cupcakes with rings on them that looked like lights.  I had a green ring and everyone had the other colors.  I also chose a yellow heart ring from the Birthday Box."

Tanah said, "Today we worked on a new paper with our number racks.  It was kind of hard and easy."

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tuesday's News

Kevin said, "We had computer and library .  In computers we did a picture of the rats from the Pied Piper."

Jack said, "We played Flash Attach at math.  We had to guess the numbers by the beads on the number rack."

Monday, December 1, 2014

Monday's News

Gwen said,"We read a new story and it was called Planets.  The sun is a star and we learned about new planets that we never learned about.  It was so cool it almost took my breath away!"

Dimitri said, "Today we went out to recess and I played with Blake, Kevin and Colton and we were all playing Ninja and we all had pretend swords and completed missions altogether.  It was really fun because we were climbing stuff and cutting stuff."

Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday's News

Anthony said, "Today we went to music and watched a video about animals.  We also watched a video about blocks."

Kevin said, "We went to lunch and there were 3rd graders and 4th graders there and ate with us because it was the Vinton Feast!"

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday's News

Blake said, "We went outside for recess after lunch.  I was playing with Kevin, Jennifer and Chris.  First we were running around and having fun and then we started to play on the playscape."

Ben said, "We read a book about Pilgrims and then we compared Pilgrims to us.  There was a chart with Pilgrims, Us and both.  I wondered whatnit would feel like to be a Pilgrim."

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday's News

Kevin said, "We had library and computer.  In computer we went to Pixie 4 and then we typed our family names and our names and then we printed them out.  We had to cut them out and glue them on the family paper."

Tanah  said, "Today we learned a game and it was for our Workplaces and it was called Sort the Sum.  The helper to show how to play the game was Zia."

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday's News

Nevaeha said, "We went to the gym and played a game where we got in a circle and stood up.  When Mr. Tamositis said put your head down and close your eyes and then he counted to 3 and we looked up and opened our eyes we looked at someone who was looking at us and we both sat down together."

Zia said, "Today we learned about Drop the Beans.  It was a new math workplace and John and I were not at that workplace yet.  We were at Double It."

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thursday's News

John said, "We went to art and we got free choice time.  I did the finishing off if the Creative Galaxy."

Colton said, "Today when we did Number Corner we flipped over a card and after 1/4 it was Nibble, Nibble, Nibble, Nibble.""

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Wednesday's News

Zia said,"Today we went to gym and we went on the scooters.  We played a tag game with the scooters.  Cody and I worked together."

Ben said, "We added a new Math Workplace to the Workplaces.  You had to subtract and spin the spinner. If the first one is four you spin the other spinner and subtract.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tuesday's News

Gwen said, "Today we got to do Read to Someone.  Some people read at the same time and some people didn't, they read one at a time."

Cody said, "Today we had Computer and Library. At  library we  read a book called 'The Book with No Pictures' and it was hilarious! There were so many parts that the author said 'Why do even have to be saying these words?!' "

Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday's News

Anthony said, "Today in the classroom I noticed all of the numbers on the Smart Board were comparing.  They had very good things about doubling numbers."

Jack said, "We went to gym today and we played on scooters.  We didn't play tag we just went around on our scooters."

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday's News

Kali said, "We had art today and we drew animals in the ocean.  We also talked about how we got sucked into a black hole in outer space."

Tanah said, "We did a Domino Flash so we could know what equals what.  There was about 10 of  them and you had to look at them real quick and put that many fingers up."

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wednesday's News

Nevaeha said, "We went to gym and we went outside and there were yellow cones in a rectangle. We has to stay inside the cones.  There were taggers who tagged people and they had to hold hands with their hands up and then someone had to give them a high five so they partner and they are back in and have to find a new partner."

Gus said, "Today we wrote about our favorite animal and why you would like to be friends with it. I picked a gorilla because it is my favorite animal in the whole world and I act like it every morning."

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday's News

Myiah said, "We had computer and we went on Tumble Books and listened to books."

Kali said, "We did Double Flaps and we had to pick a number 6-10 and make dots to match."

Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday's News

Liam said, "Today we went to gym and we played PacMan Tag.  2 people had short noodles and Mr.T. had a long noodle. They had to tag people who had to put their hands up and someone else had to high 5 them to unfreeze them.  You had to fast walk on the lines while the taggers walked slowly."

Dimitri said, "Today we made pumpkin people.  We read a pumpkin poem and pumpkins would like to be pumpkin people instead of pumpkin pie.  We colored them in the lines."

Friday, October 17, 2014

Friday's News

Myriah said. "We had music and we played a cowbell.  We each had a turn."

Dimitri said, "Today we made a chapter in our book -We Went Walking. It was chapter 2- We Went on a Fall Walk.  We went a fall walk and we saw a black caterpillar."

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday's News

Cuin said, "We went to art.  We were drawing meteors and stuff that can be in space."

Ben said, "We had indoor recess because of the rain.  I went to the art room and drew."

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday's News

Tanah said, "We had gym and we did fun things.  We picked a card and what number and color it was we had do the activity that matched the cone."

Blake said, "We went to Math Workplaces and there were different groups.  I got to work on Geobands with Colton and Kevin."

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thursday's News

Olivia said, "We went to art today and we made stars. We used paper and we could make stairs or things that were zig zagged."

John said, "We went outside for Fire Safety.  We learned to change our smoke detector batteries every year."

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wednesday's News

Kevin said, ""Today we got extra recess.  I played with Colton, Blake, John and Liam."

Celina said, "Today Mrs. Yeager came and read us a story about Rainbiw Fish.  It was about Rainbow Fish and her friends and they all saw a whale."

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wednesday's News

Gus said, "We went to gym and dribbled and trapped a soccer ball at each cone."

Colton said, "Today we introduced the new October chart.  On the chart there was 4 green apples for #1."

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday's News

Gwen said, "We had computer and library.  In library we got to have free books to keep forever.  For computer we could decide whatever games we wanted at"

Liam said, "We described Johnny Appleseed. We put words on a paper with Johnny Appleseed on it."

Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday's News

Blake said, "We read Johnny Appleseed again.  We had to listen for parts that were stretched out and exaggerated."

Zia said, "For math we were detectives.  
We had to figure out the mystery number in the bottom of our number racks.  There was one person making the number and one person was the detective."

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday's News

Mrs. LeFevre said, "We were very comfy today!"

Anthony said, "We went art today and we were still in the Creative Galaxaxy and we created another r per planet and I made a little person."

Cuin said, "We learned a lot about apples.  There are a lot of different types of apples.""

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wednesday's News

Dennis said, "Today we did P.E. and we went outside and used the new soccer balls.  We dribbled with our feet."

Myiah said, "We measured things like chairs, tables and the rugs.  We measured with Popsicle sticks and we measured our friends."

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday's News

Nevaeha said, "Mrs. Tinnel came in to read us a book.  It was about a fox and animals that acted like people."

Cody said, "We had library and computers.  We went on and read books."

Mrs. LeFevre said, "We'll see you at Open House!"

Monday, September 22, 2014

Monday's News

Dimitri said, "Today we had our pictures taken.  We took an all together picture and a picture by ourselves so we took 2 pictures."

Ben said, "We went to P. E. today.  We practiced kicking soccer balls."

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday's News

Ben said, "We went to P.E. And music. In P.E. we went outside and played with the parachute again."

Gwen said, "We did fun things in math.  We learned the game Ten & More."

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday's News

Dennis said, "Today we wrote in our journal that has lines.  I wrote about my family."

Dimitri said, "Today we had indoor recess.  We didn't go outside because of the weather.  We got to go to the art room, the movie room, quiet room or the library."

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday's News

Olivia said, "If you want to make a 5 you can use a number rack or some numbers. 2+3=5."

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday's News

Kevin said, "Today was Kali's birthday.  We celebrated and made her a birthday book."

Dimitri said, "Today we had library.  We picked out books and we picked 1 to keep and 1 to bring back."

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday's News

Celina  said, "Today we did math and we counted by 2's to 100."

Olivia said, "We had P.E. and we cleaned up our yards!  We pretended half of the gym was our yards and we had to pretend that Frisbees were the things to pick up and throw them to the other side of the hoola hoops."

Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday's News

Myiah said, "We went book shopping and put 7 books in our buckets."

Liam said, "We went to gym and we played with frisbees."

Nevaeha said, "We went to music and sang about what we saw on the way to school."

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday's News

Kali said, "Today at school we learned about numbers and counting by 5's."

Jack said, "We do READ TO SELF and we have to be quiet, learn to read and stay in your spot."

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Welcome to a New School Year!

Mrs. LeFevre exclaimed, "It has been a wonderful start for the 2014-2015 school year! We have a wonderful caring class and we are already learning a lot about each other and our classroom!  Make sure to check out our blog each week to see what we are learning about."

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Last Day of First Grade

Mrs. LeFevre proudly stated, "What a wonderful year we have had together! I hope everyone enjoys the summer and remembers to keep on smiling and learning!"

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Wednesday's News

Everyone shouted, "It was Kids in Charge Day!""

Friday, June 6, 2014

Friday's News

Aiden hissed,"Today we went art, gym AND music at the same time!  We listen to Happy and Frozen, we ran outside and drew on the blacktop and we could knock down cans."

Ben shouted , "Today we had Field Day and first our class went to the  enrichment building and got clipboards and papers and Mrs. Prince told us there were things in the nature trail that didn't belong. So we went down and saw a bucket, sand toys, a clock, a ruler, whiteboard and a book.  I thought the hardest was the timer because it was behind a rock and it was hard to see.  When we got out we played on the playscape for awhile. We did other activities and had lots of fun!"

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thursday's News

Taylor sang, "Today we went to library and computer.  At library Mrs. Parda was reading us a book and we talked about stuff we were doing over summer and you should read books so you don't forget what you learned."

Jayson whistled, "Today we did math and we did a number line that went up to 120 and I picked Anthony as my partner.  I got 30 on the spinner when we started and then I got 30 when we played again. I went all the way in the hallway because I kept getting 10, 30 and 5 on the spinner and I won."

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Wednesday's News

David spoke like a baby, "Today we read Adele and Simon in America.  These books are when Simon always looses things and Adele always tries to find things but we have to find them in the pictures.  Simon lost one thing in each state in America."

Aiden spoke drowsily, "Today we went to gym and played  baseball and soccer.  There were extra soccer balls and baseballs if you wanted to play by yourself."

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tuesday's News

Ben sang in opera, "Today was Author's Day and Barbara McClintick came. First and second grade gathered up in the cafeteria and she drew a picture of a wolf and she talked about writing and illustrating.  Later in the day third and fourth grade went. Barbara McClintock wrote a lot of books and I have some of them and Mrs. LeFevre read some of them.  I have The Gungerbread Man and I got Adele and Simon from the library and Mrs. LeFevre read The Mouse and Mary and The Mitten."

Colten cried,"Today we played a new math game and you have to have a spinner with a trash can, a bench, a fence and a flower pot and we had a number strip from 0-60. You needed 2 dots and a paper clip with a pencil.  You had to move the dots on the chart and get to 60 or past 60."

Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday's News

Taylor shouted, "Today we went to art and had free choice and it was 4 stations.  There was paint, coloring, make a building of pipe cleaners and wires and there was making a design with really pretty paper. We got to share what we made at the end of class!"

Colten whined , "Today we did a math test and you started off with addition and you have to solve 20 in 1 minute and 30 seconds.  There is adding and subtracting.  I was just on adding but now I am in subtracting."

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tuesday's News

Jayden said, "Today I went to music after I went to the nurse and we watched a movie that we had already watched.  It was about a dog trying to find the same song as the person does."

Shawn said, "Today we went outside for a Hansel and Gretel activity about making a trail.  The activity was about leaving a trail behind you and seeing how far you can go with 20 steps. Each person had 10 cubes."

Monday, May 19, 2014

Monday's News

Jayson stomped, "We went outside to play for extra recess 2x today and a couple of friends found a treasure in the sandbox.  I tried to look but then I helped Jessica."

David shouted, "Today Ben and Shawn read their books to the class.  Ben read, He's Still Alive and it's about his 5 fish that died and then he got an elephant eared beta fish.  Shawn read, The Piano Problem and it's about his brother who keeps playing the piano and Shawn tricks  him by pretending there is candy upstairs and he shuts the door on him.  Both stories were really funny!"

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday's News

Hunter said, "We had library and we read There Was a Coyote Who Swallowed a Flea.  He also swallowed a takes a lot of practice to swallow a cactus."

Louis said, "Today we did a Brain Break called Maximo.  We moved up to level 2 and maybe tomorrow we'll go to the 3rd level."

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wednesday's News

Anthony cried, "We talked about 2 endings for words.  We wrote the words with -ed or -ing."

Declan laughed, "We went to gym and had to run 2 laps.  We also did Dinobands.  They stretch and help your arms."

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tuesday's News

Colten said, "Today we went to gym and we went outside for lacrosse.  We had a choice of playing catch or throwing a ball and seeing if you can get it as close to the bocci ball as you can."

Aiden added, "Today we did math and we learned to add sticks of 10's and we learned with 1's too."

Friday, May 9, 2014

Friday's News

Happy Mother's Day!!!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tuesday's News

Taylor cried, "Today we went to gym and went outside and played lacrosse.  We could pass to a partner or throw the ball up and try to catch it."

Ben said in slow motion, "Today Mrs. Tinnel came and she read 2 funny books.  One was called The Orange Ardvark and the other one was Can You Make a Scary Face? and it was her second to last time coming.  I think I liked the Ardvark one the best."

Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday's News

Sam yelled , "Today we went to a bubble show called Bubbleology.  This person was moving all these big bubbles around.  A girl, Mia, on my bus was chosen to go up and she went inside a bubble.  I don't know how she could breathe in a bubble!"

Jayson roared, "We did a handwriting paper and we had to write neatly!"

Friday, May 2, 2014

Friday's News

Taylor cried, "Last week we went to art and we made pictures of flowers and put a windmill on it and this week we colored them with colored pastels."

Colten laughed, "Today we played Guess My Number and David, Anthony and Jayson guessed the right numbers with the class' help."

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday's News

Symarie cried, "We went to the Science Fair and I saw Sam's Project and she had blue and red crystals and we saw Aiden's volcano."

Shawn howled,"Today we went to the computer lab and we went to Starfall.  We needed to go to the Earth and when it was done loading you drag trash to the right bucket.  The things were paper, plastic and cans."

Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday's News

Ben laughed, "At the end of the day we got papers for a Shape Walk and we were going around in our classroom, the school and outside and we found shapes.  The hardest ones to find were triangular prisms and pyramids.  Once we walked around outside and found shapes we put our clipboards on the green cart and then we had a half hour of extra recess for our Mystery Reward."

Louis cried like a baby, "Today we went to gym and we did 2 new things.  We did baseball and bowling."

Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday's News

Declan shouted, "Today we went to art and we made bunnies. We colored them and Mrs. Gilmore let us use pencils that you could dip in water and it would make them more dark!"

Jessica laughed, "Today we made bunnies and it was a puzzle and you had to figure out what the puzzle was.  There were squares with numbers on them and other squares that had numbers below them and the numbers told you where to put them. Each square had part of a picture."

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thursday's News

Shawn gurgled , " Today we went to computers and we went on Pixie and we did something new.  Ben and I both did another thing on Pixie and everyone got to print their geometry paper."

Symarie cried, "Today Mrs. Yeager came and her student teacher, Mr. Petchi, read us a book called The Kindness Quilt and it was about being kind and we drew a picture about someone being kind."

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thursday's News

Samantha sceamed, "Today we had library and computers and in computers we went on Seussville. In library we watched a movie about what happened in the sleepover with the Cat in the Hat.  I saw my little pony in Mrs. Parda's closet in all of her toys!"

Colten explained, "Today at math we learned a new workplace.  You need to fill in a rhombus and you can't use thin rhombuses or squares to fill it in.  Whoever puts in the last pattern block wins."

Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday's News

Jayson spoke like a baby, "Today we had an assembly and there were some kids from the middle school and they were doing a show about the Wizard of Oz called The Wiz."

Louis mooed like a cow, "We made masks and we decorated our flowers."

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wednesday's News

Taylor whispered, "Today we had pajama day because of Dr. Seuss' Sleep Book.  We also could lay down and close our eyes or quietly read a book."

David laughed, "Today we went to gym and did the trestle tree.  I did a little rope swing and a big rope swing.  The little rope swing was a little hard for me."

Friday, March 21, 2014

Friday's News

Taylor grumbled, "Today we went to art and made flowers and we painted them. I made a flower that looked like it was going off the paper."

Aiden howled, "Today we did Writer's Workshop and my story is about a jet ski when I fell in the water. I fell again and again and then I got up and got it right."

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Thursday's News

Ben gurgled, "Today we had an assembly for spring and my brother was an announcer.  Mrs. Smith's 3rd grade class told us what they would like to do if they were President. My favorite one was Jeremy's and he said we would all have a whole TV week. Jayden, Symarie and Anthony were Oustanding Owls for cooperation."

Jayden complained, "Today I got my animal from the library and I saw Ava there but her dog was gone.  Then I went back to the classroom and I was playing with mine and then Ava came back and I was reading my leprechaun book to Mrs. LeFevre. The Cat in the Hat finally found Ava's dog."

Silly Sneetches!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wednesday's News

Anthony grumbled, "We learned about the rockhopper penguin.  We needed to measure a string to 18 inches because we wanted to see how big a rockhopper penguin is."

Jessica cried, "We watched a movie in our classroom and the DVD was called Green Eggs and Ham because it was our Mystery Reward!  The movies were The Zax, Green Eggs and Ham and The Sneetches."

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tuesday's News

Colten explained, "Yesterday in gym there was a new thing called the Burma Bridge and you had to walk across a rope bridge. If you didn't get to go on it yesterday, you could today. I got to go on it today."

Louis said, "We talked about George Washington. He is on the dollar bill and quarter because he was the first President."

Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday's News

Sam yelled, "Today we went to gym and more of the trestle tree was up.  The rope bridge and the bigger rope were like the spider web outside but in square shape!"

Symarie laughed, "Today we made pie.  We ate the pie and it was made from graham crackers, pineapple, green pudding and whipped topping. It was called Lucky Leprechaun Pie."  

Friday, March 14, 2014

Friday's News

Shawn explained, "Today we went to art and made a catus out of Sharpie and crayons and colored pencils. After that we got to share ours."

Declan growled, "Today we had Writer's Workshop and I had a conference and I picked my story about my pets to talk about to publish.  Taylor and David shared their stories."

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thursday's News

Hunter announced, "We went to computers and we made wordles. A wordle is when words are mixed up but you can look at them any way you want to. Mine was sideways."

Jayson shouted, "We had a grown up, Mr. Petchie, in here reading a book about volcanos popping out of your mouth!  The boy in the story had words in his brain and his words came from his head to his belly which grumbled and then his tongue pushed his teeth and then he talked and that was the volcano!  We learned about manners."

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wednesday's News

Sofia explained, "Today we had no gym because Mr. Kronisch took the 4th graders ice skating.  They couldn't get a substitute so we just had music and got free time in the classroom."

David cried, "Today we did Writer's Workshop and I finished my page and when I was going to start page three I could only get my name on it because it was snack time."

Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday's News

Louis shouted, "We went to gym and we have new stations and the tape was higher on the rope!"

Jayden howled, "Today I wrote about my family and I playing a game, it was Wii Sports.  I got 3 strikes, it means that you knock all the pins down."

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thursday's News

Aiden exclaimed, "Today we went to the computer lab and we played games at Seussville.  I liked the Grinch in Whoosville and I watched it!"

Taylor grumbled, "Today we did handwriting and we did little p and the lowercase p had to be down then up."

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wednesday's News

Ava explained, "Today we went to gym and I climbed up a rope and made it up to the red tape and so did some other people."

"Today we did Writer's Workshop in the morning and we started writing our stories and I am writing about a trip to Disney," whispered Ben.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesday's News

Anthony said, "We learned The Super Frog Game.  You needed to spin 3 spinners and hop by 10's on the number line."

Hunter said, "We went to gym and we did gymnastics and it was a different kind of gymnastics with different things set up.  The trestle tree was set up too. For 3 days we played gymnastics."

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thursday's News

Colten said, "Today we went to the Computer Lab and we made a thank you letter for Taylor's grandmother about the experience.  I drew a picture of the exploding bottles."

Jayson said, "Mrs. Yeager was here reading a book about The Runaway Rice Cake.  They only had a little bit of food and it ran away.  The people were running to catch it and the Rice Cake hit the old woman."

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wednesday's News

Aiden said, "Today we went to music and learned a different blue bird song.  You had to tap someone, hold onto their shoulders and move like a chain.  We also did a whistle song."

Jadyn and Shawn said, "Today we did something in science.  We put cups on the floor and put water in them and an antacid tablet in them and then capped it.  The caps went up and exploded!  A solid and liquid came together and made a gas.  It was trying to escape and that is why it exploded."

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday's News

Sofia said, "Today we went to gym and did gymnastics. You could do somersaults, cartwheels and there was one place you could jump off the stage onto the crash may and then run and do a somersault on the pad."

Shawn said, "Today Mrs. Terry came and told us about the Science Fair and Invention Convention and we watched a little video with Grover in it. Grover saw glitter and screamed, 'Glitter , Glitter!' He thought it was for the volcano outside but it was really for fun. At the end the dinosaurs came."

Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday's News

Declan said, "We went to gym and it was a free day and we could play volleyball, basketball or hula hoops.  We could also play tag or polo."

Louis said, "We learned a new frog game for math workplaces.  Mrs. LeFevre was facing David and David won."

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wednesday's News

Ava said, "Today is Fair and Share Day and a lot of people brought their cards for everybody. At the end if the day the teacher said we could look at our cards and have one thing to eat."

Symarie said, "We went to the gym and we practiced for the concert.  We sang and Mrs. Frascarelli sang with us and she played the piano."

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wednesday's News

Ben said, "Today we had music and we got ready for our concert and picked our spots and sang some songs. Then we went into the gym and went onto the bleachers on the stage and Mrs. Frascarelli told us how to get on and off them and then we had 10 minutes of free time in the gym."

Taylor said, "My Mimi came to teach us science and we got to make what everyone thought was a potion but it was oil, corn syrup and colored water and we saw that the corn syrup went to the bottom because it was the heaviest."

Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday's News

Jessica said, "Today we went gym and there was a substitute teacher and we played hockey without any goals.  There were big sticks and some kids chose them and some chose a stick that had black on it."

Ava said, "Today is the 100th day of school and some people brought in 100 things and some people brought it in before the 100th day of school. I was going to bring in cupcakes but when we put the frosting on they broke.  I made something with beads and ironed it and it is a 100."

Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday's News

Hunter said, "Today we read The Wolf's Chicken Stew and the wolf came to the chicken's house and looked into the door lock and thought the chicken must be fat by now.  The little chicks gave him 100 kisses and the wolf said, 'Aww shucks!' "

Jayson said, "We celebrated Anthony's birthday and he gave us 2 cookies and we got to have juice or water."

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday's News

Ava said, "Today we went to computer and we went to and went in the math section. One thing I played was a firework game and you were supposed to find the right number so you could have a firework."

Shawn said, "Today if we went to the art center we had to make a Valentine's card for somebody and then you could make your own project."

Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday's News

Jadyn said, "We went to art and we made mittens and drew animals to go in it and then we colored."

David said, "Shawn showed us the Chinese decorations for Chinese New Year and one had fish on it and one had Chinese writing. They were both red which means good luck to the Chinese people."

Gung Hay Fat Choy!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday's News

Jessica said, "We made badges and we got to color them and cut them out. We all had the same badges that said '5 more days' but they were colored differently. We are counting down to the 100th day of school."

Sam said, "Today we went to library and Mrs. Parda put out the stickers again if you brought in your book.  Shelf Elf isn't back from vacation yet!"

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday's News

Anthony said, "We read The Hat and a hedgehog was stuck in a stocking and all the other animals were making fun of him.  Then they all got clothes to make hats."

Symarie said, "We went to gym and we had Mrs. Prince's class with us and we had to do a square dance and we had games."

Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday's News

Aiden said, "Today Louis and I played checkers. Louis won 45 and I won 17. Tuesday we'll play again."

Louis said, "Today we made snowmen and we decorated the snowmen. There was a poem on it that we highlighted."

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wednesday News

Ben said, "Today we went to physical education and music. In gym we did square dancing and my partner was Brookelyn and in music we sang songs about birds."

Declan said, "For Must-Do's we did a paper that was all 'wh' words and there was an eye on it but once you colored it in it was a whale."

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tuesday's News

Jayson said, "Today we had indoor recess.  We got to play in each room.  Some people went to the Quiet Room, the Movie Room, the Library or the Art Room and we had a lot of fun.  I went to the Quiet Room."

Sofia said, "We went to gym and music and in gym we danced the square dance and in music we sang songs and Mrs. Frascarelli played the piano."

Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday's News

Hunter said, "We did math and if you got to 50 you won but if you got in the extra stick you got out."

Ava said, "Today we went to gym and we learned a new dance.  The gym teacher got us some new games for free time."

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thursday's News

Jayden said, "Mrs. Yeager came and we read a book about feelings."

Symarie said, "We went to the library and Mrs. Parda read a book about a hamster.   A cat tried to chase the hamster and the hamster ran away."

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tuesday's News

Samantha said, "Today we went to gym and we learned a new kind of dance. Then we got some free time and we played basketball."

Jessica said, "Today we had a new math workplace. You are trying to get the higher number that is on some dice. You can be a cat or a mouse."

Monday, January 6, 2014

Monday's News

Taylor said, "For math Mrs. LeFevre brought us to her table and we did math problems to 10."

David said, "Today we went to gym and we square danced."