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Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday's News

Jayson spoke like a baby, "Today we had an assembly and there were some kids from the middle school and they were doing a show about the Wizard of Oz called The Wiz."

Louis mooed like a cow, "We made masks and we decorated our flowers."

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wednesday's News

Taylor whispered, "Today we had pajama day because of Dr. Seuss' Sleep Book.  We also could lay down and close our eyes or quietly read a book."

David laughed, "Today we went to gym and did the trestle tree.  I did a little rope swing and a big rope swing.  The little rope swing was a little hard for me."

Friday, March 21, 2014

Friday's News

Taylor grumbled, "Today we went to art and made flowers and we painted them. I made a flower that looked like it was going off the paper."

Aiden howled, "Today we did Writer's Workshop and my story is about a jet ski when I fell in the water. I fell again and again and then I got up and got it right."

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Thursday's News

Ben gurgled, "Today we had an assembly for spring and my brother was an announcer.  Mrs. Smith's 3rd grade class told us what they would like to do if they were President. My favorite one was Jeremy's and he said we would all have a whole TV week. Jayden, Symarie and Anthony were Oustanding Owls for cooperation."

Jayden complained, "Today I got my animal from the library and I saw Ava there but her dog was gone.  Then I went back to the classroom and I was playing with mine and then Ava came back and I was reading my leprechaun book to Mrs. LeFevre. The Cat in the Hat finally found Ava's dog."

Silly Sneetches!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wednesday's News

Anthony grumbled, "We learned about the rockhopper penguin.  We needed to measure a string to 18 inches because we wanted to see how big a rockhopper penguin is."

Jessica cried, "We watched a movie in our classroom and the DVD was called Green Eggs and Ham because it was our Mystery Reward!  The movies were The Zax, Green Eggs and Ham and The Sneetches."

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tuesday's News

Colten explained, "Yesterday in gym there was a new thing called the Burma Bridge and you had to walk across a rope bridge. If you didn't get to go on it yesterday, you could today. I got to go on it today."

Louis said, "We talked about George Washington. He is on the dollar bill and quarter because he was the first President."

Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday's News

Sam yelled, "Today we went to gym and more of the trestle tree was up.  The rope bridge and the bigger rope were like the spider web outside but in square shape!"

Symarie laughed, "Today we made pie.  We ate the pie and it was made from graham crackers, pineapple, green pudding and whipped topping. It was called Lucky Leprechaun Pie."  

Friday, March 14, 2014

Friday's News

Shawn explained, "Today we went to art and made a catus out of Sharpie and crayons and colored pencils. After that we got to share ours."

Declan growled, "Today we had Writer's Workshop and I had a conference and I picked my story about my pets to talk about to publish.  Taylor and David shared their stories."

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thursday's News

Hunter announced, "We went to computers and we made wordles. A wordle is when words are mixed up but you can look at them any way you want to. Mine was sideways."

Jayson shouted, "We had a grown up, Mr. Petchie, in here reading a book about volcanos popping out of your mouth!  The boy in the story had words in his brain and his words came from his head to his belly which grumbled and then his tongue pushed his teeth and then he talked and that was the volcano!  We learned about manners."

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wednesday's News

Sofia explained, "Today we had no gym because Mr. Kronisch took the 4th graders ice skating.  They couldn't get a substitute so we just had music and got free time in the classroom."

David cried, "Today we did Writer's Workshop and I finished my page and when I was going to start page three I could only get my name on it because it was snack time."

Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday's News

Louis shouted, "We went to gym and we have new stations and the tape was higher on the rope!"

Jayden howled, "Today I wrote about my family and I playing a game, it was Wii Sports.  I got 3 strikes, it means that you knock all the pins down."

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thursday's News

Aiden exclaimed, "Today we went to the computer lab and we played games at Seussville.  I liked the Grinch in Whoosville and I watched it!"

Taylor grumbled, "Today we did handwriting and we did little p and the lowercase p had to be down then up."

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wednesday's News

Ava explained, "Today we went to gym and I climbed up a rope and made it up to the red tape and so did some other people."

"Today we did Writer's Workshop in the morning and we started writing our stories and I am writing about a trip to Disney," whispered Ben.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesday's News

Anthony said, "We learned The Super Frog Game.  You needed to spin 3 spinners and hop by 10's on the number line."

Hunter said, "We went to gym and we did gymnastics and it was a different kind of gymnastics with different things set up.  The trestle tree was set up too. For 3 days we played gymnastics."