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Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday's News

Kishan said, "Today we had extra recess for only 15 minutes.  Daisy, Alex, Fred, Al, Justin, Ryan and I were playing tag and I kept on tagging back Daisy and basically Daisy was it for the rest of the game."

Ryan added, "Today at Writer's Workshop I wrote a book called Snowmobiling.  In the story I was going snowmobiling at my grandpa's house and had hot chocolate."

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wednesday's News

Jayden stated, "Today at art we painted animals.  I painted a dog and trees and behind the dog it looked like a tree was falling the opposite way of the dog and there was a stump right where he was about to walk and it looked like he was going to trip over it.  Trystan made the same exact thing."

Fred added, "Today for writing we made stories about going to our aunt's farm and hearing a strange noise."

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday's News

Despina said, "Today we had the Science Fair and Invention Convention and some people in our class did it.  It was Allie, Kishan, Justin, Fred, and Alex."

Daisy stated, "Today at math Boris and I did Work Place F and we did the same things on the paper."

Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday's News

Ryan stated, "Today at computer I went to Raz Kids and I only had 60 stars and I got 200 more by listening to one book,  reading 2 books and taking 2 quizzes."

Boris added, "Today at Writer's Workshop I was working on my Basketball Court book and I wrote 1 or 2 pages and I already did 3.  After that I had my conference and Mrs. LeFevre said don't work that, work on the others that you want to publish that are very close."

Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday's News

Madison said, "Today at gym Maddie followed me everywhere and we tried  not to fall off the Trestle Tree and Mr. Lunski had a light saber and he challenged us for a fight and we had to step under or over it.  The lights were off."

Renee exclaimed, "On Tuesday Madison is moving to Cedar Rapids, Iowa.  Some people are sad but we wish her good luck!"

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday's News

Madison said, "Today at our assembly there were 2 Super Citizens from our class and I was one of them and Trystan was one of them.  They put my certificate in the wrong folder so they are going to announce me at the end of the day on the speaker phone."

Trystan said, "Today after the assembly we had physical education.  By the time we were done with the assembly our physical education time was done."

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wednesday's News

Allie exclaimed, "Today at our read aloud we started a new book called Donovan's Word Jar.  When I heard the title I made a connection!  Just a couple weeks ago I heard that  the Philadelphia Eagles quarterback's name was Donovan!"

Maddie added, "Today at art we made animals with fire clay and I made 2 owls and I wanted to make them because our school's mascots are owls.  It was really hard to  make because the wings weren't exactly the same length and size."

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tuesday's News

Ryan said, "Today at recess I went to the gym and at the the end I went to the Tower and I put my feet on it and I noticed my shoes were different.  For special gym I went up there 3 times."

Renee stated, "Today I went to Ms. Barrow's and we played Dancing Digits.  You have to roll a die that had  + or- on it and then you  have to roll dice that had numbers 0-9 and then you had to  make up a story about how you made an amount of money."

Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday's News

Boris said, "Today at library we had a little activity around the library, it was finding books that Mrs. Parda said.  I got Hot Wheels, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and  Gingerbread Friends."

Justin stated, "Today we finished our shirts.  It was how to help the earth."

Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday's News

Al exclaimed, "In gym we did the trestle tree and we played a game and we did it one way and then the opposite way.  Then we played another game, so we played 3 games and it was pretty easy!"

Boris stated, "Today after lunch and recess we had special visitors from the 4th grade from Mrs. Phelps's class and I was Chris's buddy.  We played on the computer and we went on the blog and My Food Pyramid."

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thursday's News

Katrina stated, "Today in math we did problems.  Mine was 4big boxes of 10 presents and add 7 more presents.  I'm not going to tell my answer.  My problem was about Malia and my birthday party and we were  both turning 8."

Daisy said, "Today at gym we did the trestle tree and we had beanbags and if we dropped them on the floor we would have to try and get them without touching the floor.  It wasn't hard."

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wednesday's News
Use this link to play the Blast Off game.

Alex stated, "Ms. K came and showed us a game that was called Blast Off.  You had to pick the right foods to get all the tanks to the green part and you had to make the fuel go higher and then press blast off and see if you can get to Planet Power!"

Fred added, "Today at art we practiced making two animals with Playdoh."

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tuesday's News

Alyson said, "Today at math we solved  problems. Then we did our own pictures to make up our own problems about presents."

Allie stated, "Today during gym we did the trestle tree and Mr. Lunski took the burma loops off of the Burma Bridge so it's called the Eagle Walk.  He took the vines off the Two Lined Bridge and crossed the two lines and it made a Pirate Walk."

Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday's News

Kishan said, "We finished George's Marvelous Medicine and in the end George's grandmother turns into a germ and disappears."

Trystan added, "Today at library we did a report where we had to find a book on the computer.  I  found a book called Monster Vehicles."

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thursday's News

Despina exclaimed, "Today was my birthday and  Allie and I had to go around in circles trying to hand out cupcakes because my brother had already given  out cupcakes to every teacher!  It took a long time!"

Madison stated, "Today at the end of the day we read George's Marvelous Medicine and this chapter was called Good-bye Grandma and she got another sip of the medicine because she thought it was tea."