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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thursday's News

Ava said, "Today was indoor recess and we watched the rest of one movie and watched half of another movie."

Anthony said, "We wrapped presents today and we had an assembly."

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tuesday's News

Taylor said, "We made our snowflakes and we put our pictures in the middle and decorated them after that.  We put glitter on them."

Declan said, "Mrs. Tinnel came and she read us the Little Red Elf and the elf did all the work to put the Christmas tree into the stand.  The other animals wanted to open the presents and she didn't want them to because she did all that work."

Colten said, "Today It was my birthday and Sam and I went down the hall delivering ginger snaps and applesauce with whip cream and sprinkles."

Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday's News

Colten said, "Today we went to gym and played a game. I played with Louis, Aiden, Declan, Taylor, Symarie and Sam. We played basketball."

Aiden said, "I was sharing about 4 of my guys from my video game and they light up to."

David said, "In Los Posadas it is a time for gifts. It starts on December 16th."

Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday's News

Sofia said, "We made sweet rolls and we had a movie and our treat for the movie was sweet rolls.  They were shaped like an S and the bottom and the top were curled up and the icing was pretty sweet!"

Ben said, "In art we landed on another planet and there were pop out 3D aliens on the planet.  We got to make our own aliens with clay."

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thursday's News

Jayson said, "We played Flash Attack and Mrs. LeFevre hid the beads and then she showed it and left one on the side and it made 9."

Louis said, "We made wreaths with candles to get ready for St. Lucia Day tomorrow."

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wednesday's News

Hunter said, "We made our own bells out of paper. It went along with a poem we read."

Symarie said, "We played Tower Race and we had to roll the dice and we had to fill the little boxes up until all the towers were filled."

Monday, December 9, 2013

Monday's News

Samantha said, "We had an assembly today and some guys came and played Jazz music. They played Mary Had a Little Lamb and America the Beautiful."

Jadyn said, "We read Me on the Map and when we read in the book she showed us from her room to the Earth."

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thursday's News

Louis said, "We learned about St. Nicholas and we made shoes. He leaves toys and food for the kids."

Ava said, "Today we learned about doubles and odd numbers can't have doubles but even numbers can have doubles."

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wednesday's News

Jayden said, "We went to Mrs. Frascarelli's room an sang songs about Hanukkah."

Aiden said, "We were reading about a hermit crab moving into a different shell that was perfect and he was decorating his shell with underwater sea things." 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tuesday's News

Anthony and Ben said, "Mrs. Tinell came over and she read us a story where you had to look closely at each picture and there was something special on each page."

Jessica said, "We went to gym and played basketball. We shot at hoops and dribbled."

Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday's News

Sofia said, "We learned about Hanukkah and we learned how to play dreidel. We made a menorah and we used our hands as the candles and overlapped our thumbs for the middle candle."

David said, "Today we went to gym and played basketball but before that you had to do 4 laps while dribbling your basketball."