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Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday's News

Anthony said, "Today we went to music and watched a video about animals.  We also watched a video about blocks."

Kevin said, "We went to lunch and there were 3rd graders and 4th graders there and ate with us because it was the Vinton Feast!"

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday's News

Blake said, "We went outside for recess after lunch.  I was playing with Kevin, Jennifer and Chris.  First we were running around and having fun and then we started to play on the playscape."

Ben said, "We read a book about Pilgrims and then we compared Pilgrims to us.  There was a chart with Pilgrims, Us and both.  I wondered whatnit would feel like to be a Pilgrim."

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday's News

Kevin said, "We had library and computer.  In computer we went to Pixie 4 and then we typed our family names and our names and then we printed them out.  We had to cut them out and glue them on the family paper."

Tanah  said, "Today we learned a game and it was for our Workplaces and it was called Sort the Sum.  The helper to show how to play the game was Zia."

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday's News

Nevaeha said, "We went to the gym and played a game where we got in a circle and stood up.  When Mr. Tamositis said put your head down and close your eyes and then he counted to 3 and we looked up and opened our eyes we looked at someone who was looking at us and we both sat down together."

Zia said, "Today we learned about Drop the Beans.  It was a new math workplace and John and I were not at that workplace yet.  We were at Double It."

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thursday's News

John said, "We went to art and we got free choice time.  I did the finishing off if the Creative Galaxy."

Colton said, "Today when we did Number Corner we flipped over a card and after 1/4 it was Nibble, Nibble, Nibble, Nibble.""

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Wednesday's News

Zia said,"Today we went to gym and we went on the scooters.  We played a tag game with the scooters.  Cody and I worked together."

Ben said, "We added a new Math Workplace to the Workplaces.  You had to subtract and spin the spinner. If the first one is four you spin the other spinner and subtract.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tuesday's News

Gwen said, "Today we got to do Read to Someone.  Some people read at the same time and some people didn't, they read one at a time."

Cody said, "Today we had Computer and Library. At  library we  read a book called 'The Book with No Pictures' and it was hilarious! There were so many parts that the author said 'Why do even have to be saying these words?!' "

Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday's News

Anthony said, "Today in the classroom I noticed all of the numbers on the Smart Board were comparing.  They had very good things about doubling numbers."

Jack said, "We went to gym today and we played on scooters.  We didn't play tag we just went around on our scooters."