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Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday's News

Kishan said, "Today is the last day of school and it's a half day.  My teacher for 3rd grade is going to be Mrs. Welch."
Allie smiled, "Today we met our new teachers and Mrs.LeFevre is moving down to 1st grade and my brother is moving up to 1st grade.  I was curious to know if my brother was going to have Mrs. LeFevre and what do you know...he is!  My new teacher is Mrs. Keenan."
Boris added, "This morning we went to our 3rd grade teachers and mine is Mrs. Csere and Al is in my class again.  He has been in my class for 4 years!"

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thursday's News

Justin said, "Today Despina's dad came in and made pizza with us.  We barely put any cheese on it so then we put all the pepperoni on it so you couldn't see the cheese. (We ate the cheese!)"

Isabella added, "Today I was late for school because I had to go the dentist and the dentist was really fun and I got a small chalkboard from it."

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wednesday's News

Alyson said, "Today at Community I went to Maddie and Maddie's job is the school.  All she really said to me is 'Write number sentences and draw pictures' and the number sentences were 100+100=200 and lots more like that.  Justin's gas station kept going on fire and I had to keep putting the fire out and Jayden went with me and the bank went on fire too."

Jayden added, "Today at art I made a frog puppet and it had a cape, legs, dots, eyes and a tongue and a  mouth.  The tongue had a fly on it."

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tuesday's News

Katrina said, "Today at recess I was playing with Daisy on the monkey bars and the rings.  There was a bee on the the rings so we went to the monkey bars until the bee went bye-bye and then we went back and forth, back and forth."

Daisy said, "Today at 'community' Alyson, Maddie, Renee and I were working together and Renee's house and my house kept on catching on fire.  Alyson put it out."

Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday's News

Jayden stated, "Today at Community, Trystan and I are the police and we made tickets saying:  Police $20 a ticket and we gave out 4 or 5.  I lost my 2 cars that were black and red and Fred lost one like mine that was gray."

Fred added, "We had a special art class with a practice teacher.  We cut out geometric and organic shapes and added to them with oil pastels and lines.  We added eyes and that type of stuff to  make monsters."

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesday's News

Alyson laughed, "Today at the Talent Show Despina and I were doing poems and there were 3 poems and they were called I Don't Want To Go To Bed, My Pig Won't Let Me Watch TV and April Fool's Day.  They were all really funny!"

Justin stated, "Today at the Fun Fest Jayden was my partner and we went down the slide at least 7 times.  They let us have 3 popscicles at the end."

Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday's News

Boris stated, "All day I played cello, had lunch, played cello and played cello and then played outside.  There were middle schoolers and there was one song called Hunter's Chorus that everybody played.  Jon, Fred's big brother, is in middle school and he played bass."

Jayden added, "Today we picked our jobs for our community.  I'm applying for Town Manger and I wrote I would be the best person for the job because I would care for the town, give people jobs, help people find houses and build new roads.  I  hope I get the job."

Friday, June 4, 2010

Friday's News

Special Requests
1. We are starting to build our imaginative community in our classroom.  Students are allowed to build a house at home!  It should be no bigger than a 'boot box'.  Use any recycled matreials to decorate or make your house!  If you have extra materials, send them to school so we can make extra houses here.
2.  We are going to be presenting reader's theater next Friday afternoon at 2:15PM. Parents are invited to attend and to have a snack with us after if they would like/can!  We will also be taping it and a copy will be put on our blog (hopefully) if you can't attend.  The following items are needed for our costumes: 
  • farmer hat
  • space suit/helmet
  • lab coats
  • pretend oranges and potatoes
  • tickets
  • 3-D glasses

Ryan said, "Today at gym we played volleyball.  My partner was Renee and I was hitting the ball really hard and she couldn't even catch it!"

Renee stated, "Today we did communities and we started off sitting on the rug and Mrs. LeFevre made roads and we made jobs we might be able to do.  I think I  might be the pound  owner."

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thursday's News

Maddie stated, "Today it was Young Author's Day and the author, Sandra Horning, came in and read us The Giant Hug.  At the end of the day since it was Young Author's Day the PTA bought everyone a book and for the second graders they bought, The Summer Vacation From the Black Lagoon."

Trystan added, "In the book from the PTA on page 23 it says that the character can't be a doctor and in the speech bubble the patient says,  "It hurts when I cough," and the doctor says, "Don't cough!" That's why he can't be a doctor:)."

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wednesday's News

Despina said, "Today at science we did K'Nex and I was partners with Ryan and we made a house, scissors, a screwdriver and a fishing rod."

Allie exclaimed, "Today in the morning we  had our Pen Pal Picnic and my pen pal was Morgan!  At the end we exchanged phone numbers and we took a piece of paper bag and ripped it and took a Sharpie and gave each other our phone numbers."

Al added, "At our Pen Pal Picnic Boris, Nate, Coby and I and knew everyone except our pen pals.  I knew Boris's pen pal and Boris new my pen pal and Boris and I knew each other but we didn't know our pen pals."