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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thursday's News

Nadine stated, "We went to art and we painted and folded black paper and drew shapes or butterflies.  I made a butterfly."

Benjamin smiled, "We finished our penguin books.  I had to do 2 pages of the book."

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday's News

Ava said, "We went to music and gym this afternoon.  We went on the trestle tree.  There was a new station called Jump, Roll and Stick.  I went on it 2 times, everybody else went on it 3 times even though Mr. Kronisch  said only once.  At music we learned a new song and played with the white boards and played one more game of Funny Pussy Cat."

Tommy added, "This morning we read the story Lost and I wrote about the bear.  He was very big and wide."

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesday's News

Brendan stated, "We went to computer and library and I passed test 3 on Spelling City and then I did Seusssville."

Leon exclaimed , "We read Eve of the Emperor Penguin and we saw a bird called a giant petrel!"

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday's News

Ayanna said, "We did penguins problems.  One penguin problem was about feet."

Serenity added, "We had physical education today and Mr. Kronisch set  up new stuff for the trestle tree.  I played on the new bigger spider web."

Mrs. LeFevre said, "Today was Daisy Head Mayzie Day and many people wore flowers in their hair.  Some students made flowers to wear out of tissue paper."

Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday's News

Anderson said, "We had our buddies and we showed them our blue folders and we showed them the rockhopper penguin, king penguin, little blue penguin, gentoo penguin, chinstrap penguin and the emperor penguin."

Alex stated, "Today we had Writer's Workshop.  I have a book that's ready to be published!"

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thursday's News

Julianna said, "We went to art and we made boats on our pictures of the sea."

Nicholas said, "We went outside and we were the first class inside because our line was really quiet."

Aeralyn said, "We got to see if the penguins were by striped color (orange and yellow), black or gray blue feathers.  We sorted them by color of feathers."

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wednesday's News

Sam said, "We measured life-sized penguins.  Some were chest height, head height, chin height, knee height or thigh height."

Benjamin said, "Some people did journals, I was finishing work."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tuesday's News

Leon said, "Today we fixed the penguins so they looked better and better."

Benjamin said, "We went to library and computer.  We went to Seussville in the computer lab and we played games."

Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday's News

Ava said, "We went to gym.  There was lots of new stuff on the trestle tree.  There was a new rope game where you need to throw a chicken into a bucket.  There was a rope and an upside down bridge on a trestle."

Nadine said, "I cut the emperor penguin out and some  people didn't have time to cut their emperor penguins out.  They will do it tomorrow."

Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday's News

Brendan said, "We went to lunch today and I had a sandwich with Nutella in it and I liked it."

Kate said, "We had music and gym.  At gym we played on higher stuff than one of the times before."

Carrie said, "Today we painted penguins.  I painted an emperor penguin."

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday's News

Logan said, "Today we watched Green Eggs and Ham.  It had a couple more stories on it."

Alex said, "Today we made life sized penguins.  I made an emperor penguin and it was 45 inches tall.  I am 46 inches tall."

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wednesday's News

Tommy said, "Today we had music and gym.  In gym we played on the trestle tree and I played on the rope."

Alex said, "We wrote a letter to our parents about Antarctica."

Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday's News

Kiley said, "We read chapter 5 in the Penguin Puzzle book and the secret formula spilled all over on the kids and they were penguins."

Carrie said, "We did a new game called, Old Orca Subtraction.  I got 5 matches."

Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday's News

Serenity said,"We went to physical education. We played with different stuff and somethings were new. I played on the rope a lot of times and a lot of different people played on the rope."

Sergei said, "I wrote a story about my 5th birthday party. Mrs. LeFevre taught us about 'And-itis' today. That is when a writer uses too many ands."

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thursday's News

Nicholas said, "We did the height of the emperor penguin and we went on the scale to see who weighed as much as an emperor. Anderson and Alex together weigh as much as 1 adult emperor penguin."

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wednesday's News

Alex said, "We went to physical education today. On the free set there was equipment which was really fun."

Nadine said, "Today and yesterday Mrs. Frascarelli said our numbers. We have to sit in our number on the riser. We can sing if we know what the song says or we can do the moves."

Anderson said, "We finished learning about the chinstrap penguin and we did the weight and the height and I drew all of the penguins that we did on the cover of the book."

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday's News

Benjamin said, "We learned about the chinstrap penguin today. The chinstap penguin can lay 2 eggs and can weigh 9pounds and the height is 28inches."

Julianna said, "We had library and computer. At computer we went to SpellingCity."

Sam said, "Today we had extra recess and Ava, Ayanna, Tommy, Anderson, Benjamin, Serenity, and I played Antartica. We decided our own penguins to be. I was an emperor penguin. It was fun!"

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday's News

Sergei said, "We learned about a gentoo penguin. It can stay under water longer than a person...7 minutes!"

Ava said, "We went to gym. We went on the trestle tree again but there were different kinds of play stuff. I went on all of them. My favorite was the climbing and swinging."

Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday's News

Logan said, "We had a new penguin today. It was called the Little Blue Penguin. It has a lot of predators. Sometimes in Australia and in New Zealand at night people watch the Little Blue Penguins get out of the water and onto the shore."

Brendan said, "We went to physical education this afternoon and we went on something called a trestle tree."

Ben M. said, "One of our homeworks that was due on Friday was to show how many fortune cookies that each student in our class could eat. There were 100 fortune cookies and 20 students. The answer was 5 and I was the only one that took the challenge."

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thursday's News

Tommy said,"We had art this afternoon. In art we made a mitten and it was from The Mitten book and we got to put real sticks on our snowmen."

Leon said, "Today we played the game called Help, A Skua. You can't see the card and the bird is the card you don't want to get!"

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wednesday's News

Aeralyn said, "We went to gym and music today. We watched a movie at music and in gym we played trestle tree."

Ben M. said, "We learned about king penguins and that they are 3 feet high which is 36 inches tall. They weigh 30 pounds."

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tuesday's News

Kiley said, "We went to computer and library. At computer we learned a new website called SpellingCity."

Kate said, "We had library and I got a book called Amber the Orange Fairy."

Ayanna said, "Today we read books in the hallway and we saw the Cat in the Hat."