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Monday, November 30, 2015

Monday's News

Ristin said, "Today we had a fire drill. Mr. T. was going to show us the last thing for trestle tree but we had to have a fire a drill and we didn't have any time to do anything."

Ruthie said, "Today during math my friend Mia, when we were partners, she had to leave with Mrs. Holley and I was asking Del and Junior if I could be a partner with them too."

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tuesday's News

  Aida said, "We did a paper with the whole class about math. We had to solve math problems as a class but we couldn't help each other."

Mia said, " Today we did turkey fingers on the computer.  We put our hands on the computer and we drew it and we bucketed in the paint color.  Then we printed it out."

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Thursday's News

Aaron said, "At Number Corner today I said that after the sandwich card it would 4 nibbles. I saw fourths and diagonal cards on the Number Corner calendar.  We crossed off a day in school and it is day 53."

Makayla said, "Today we went to art and we made stars that popped out little curly things or bumpy things.  Then we had yellow clay we could stick on the curvy or bumpy things."

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Thursday's News

Max said, "Today for lunch we had a picnic.  When we got out the 3rd and 4th graders were out for recess. I found my brother outside."

Aaron said, "Today at Number Corner we did the calendar and we crossed off a day in school and we wrote the number for how many days we've had in school.  We have been in school 49 days and we wrote equations to go with it."


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wednesday's News

Glen said, "I wrote a story about the bus. The bus goes to my home."

Makayla said, "Today we went to gym and we did log rolls and egg rolls.  We climbed ropes and everybody was cheering for people to climb ropes."

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Tuesday's News

Michael said, " Today we made leaf people and it was very fun and I liked. We used leaves made out of paper and acorns made out of paper."

Nova said, "Today for girls sharing I brought in a picture of my baby brother.  I walked around the room showing everyone a picture of my baby brother."