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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Wednesday's News

Del said, "Today we had indoor recess and Jack and I went to the Quiet Roomand I brought a tiny toy even though you really shouldn't but there was a lot of stuff I wanted to do with him.  Even though I brought him I made a room for him, a chanted room and even a self portrait out of paper."

Anthony said, "At Math Workplaces Mia and I played Super Frogs and I won more than Mia.  Mia thought I had a trick up my sleeve."

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Wednesday's News

Michael said, "Today we had Ms. Mather and she taught us about science and chemical reactions. She wants us to make things and enter the Science Fair in April."

Jack said, "Today Junior and me made a Boov City out of 100 cups and it was fun. I really enjoyed it."

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

100th Day of School

Mrs. LeFevre said, "A great day was had by all! I think the class may have done at least 100 things! Today was also Groundhog Day and we found out that the groundhog did NOT see her shadow so spring is going to be early!"

Punxsutawney Phil from Punxsutawney, PA

Chuckles from Manchester, CT