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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tuesday's News

Jeremy said, "We went to the gym and we had the jungle gym and I did a tumble on the rope swing.  After that I went to the rope climb and I went all the way to the top and I was a little freaked out."

Clara said, "We did Cast-A-Spell and practiced words with short o.  I did it so fast."

Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday's News

Kenney said, "We played Two Turns to Win.  The students won the most games but this time Mrs. LeFevre won.  When we play we practice how to add money."

Alexander said, "We did our Weekend News and we all said we had fun."

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wednesday's News

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday's News

Alizabeth said, "The girls went to library and read a silly story called, Never Tease a Weasel and the boys went to computer.  Then we flip flopped.

Joey said, "We played Race to 100 and there were more 5's on the spinner so the 5's won."

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday's News

Abby said, "We went to gym.   When Clara got off the rope swing the rope swung and  hit me in the lip.  I got a little drink and it was better."

Evan said, "We did handwriting.  We did the letters s and f."

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday's News

Kiata said, "At music we got Bingo and did Bingo where if somebody got up and down or left or right they got to get one pair of stickers.  Then we played normal Bingo."

Alizabeth said, "We went to we did centers.  Emma and I went to the art center.  We made a necklace that said 'I am thankful for..".  I said that I am thankful for my parents and I am thankful for God."

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday's News

Emma said, "I went to centers.  I went to the art center and made lots of books for people: Alex, Rosie, Clara and my brother, Max."

Max said, "We went to gym.  It was the last day of the jungle gym for the week.  I went to all of the centers."

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday's News

Jeremy said, "Today at gym I went on the swinging rope but I fell off and I tried again and I fell off.  Then I went on the climbing and I almost climed to the top."

Gabe said, "At recess Willima jumped onto the bridge and he went forward and landed on my arm.  Then I went to the nurse and I needed an ice pack for my arm."

Alix said, "The story Minerva Louise was silly.  The hen got things from a garden and made a nest with them."

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday's News

Alexander said, "Today we beat Mrs. LeFevre at a coin game.  We got 5 tallies and she got 2.  So, we won!"

Esme said, "Today at recess the fire fighters came with thier firetrucks.  The ambulance came too."

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday's News

Clara said, "We went to art and made a turkey that was disguised as something else that could get out of here.  We met Mrs. Rider who is filling in for Mrs. Gilmore."

Rosie said, "We did sharing and Clara shared her panda.  I learned that it talked."

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thursday's News

Mrs. LeFevre exclaimed, "We earned another Mystery Reward!  Tomorrow is Game and Toy Day!  Students may bring in something to share or use a game or toy in our room."

Gabe said, "We counted the seeds from the pumpkin and there were 537 seeds!"

Evan said, "We did a turkey.  We traced our hands and feet."

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday's News

Jeremy said, "At gym I was at the station where you can do the tumble roll and I did a front flip and it did not hurt at all."

Esme said, "We lit the pumpkin.  It was already carved."