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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday's News

Symarie cried, "We went to the Science Fair and I saw Sam's Project and she had blue and red crystals and we saw Aiden's volcano."

Shawn howled,"Today we went to the computer lab and we went to Starfall.  We needed to go to the Earth and when it was done loading you drag trash to the right bucket.  The things were paper, plastic and cans."

Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday's News

Ben laughed, "At the end of the day we got papers for a Shape Walk and we were going around in our classroom, the school and outside and we found shapes.  The hardest ones to find were triangular prisms and pyramids.  Once we walked around outside and found shapes we put our clipboards on the green cart and then we had a half hour of extra recess for our Mystery Reward."

Louis cried like a baby, "Today we went to gym and we did 2 new things.  We did baseball and bowling."

Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday's News

Declan shouted, "Today we went to art and we made bunnies. We colored them and Mrs. Gilmore let us use pencils that you could dip in water and it would make them more dark!"

Jessica laughed, "Today we made bunnies and it was a puzzle and you had to figure out what the puzzle was.  There were squares with numbers on them and other squares that had numbers below them and the numbers told you where to put them. Each square had part of a picture."

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thursday's News

Shawn gurgled , " Today we went to computers and we went on Pixie and we did something new.  Ben and I both did another thing on Pixie and everyone got to print their geometry paper."

Symarie cried, "Today Mrs. Yeager came and her student teacher, Mr. Petchi, read us a book called The Kindness Quilt and it was about being kind and we drew a picture about someone being kind."

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thursday's News

Samantha sceamed, "Today we had library and computers and in computers we went on Seussville. In library we watched a movie about what happened in the sleepover with the Cat in the Hat.  I saw my little pony in Mrs. Parda's closet in all of her toys!"

Colten explained, "Today at math we learned a new workplace.  You need to fill in a rhombus and you can't use thin rhombuses or squares to fill it in.  Whoever puts in the last pattern block wins."