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Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday's News

Alexander announced, "Today we went to physical education and we didn't have scooters and bowling, we practiced throwing frisbees and volleyball instead.  One time when I threw a frisbee I knocked down all of the things that I was supposed to knock down."

Jeremy stated, "At Must Do's I had to make a story about Jack and the Beanstalk.  I wrote about me and and an old man giving me a bean and the old man only said 3 sentences but it was his last words...and you all know what that means."

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursday's News

Scout stated, "Today at the assmebly I got to sit in front of my sister.  We watched a lot of videos.  One was about 9-5-2-1-0 and another was about saving energy."

Rosie said, "We had library and instead of computer we went to the greenhouse and we got to plant a few things.  We saw a lot of plants  that we are going to give to the soup kitchen."

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wednesday's News

Clara said, "Today at Writer's Workshop I got one of my books back from the publishing center and it was called Family Vacation.  I got all the way to page 4 illustrating it."

Esme announced, "At recess Clara and I were talking about how we could get money so that I could get the 2012 American Girl Doll."

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday's News

Max stated, "We shared our pieces of the earth.  I brought in 3 acorns and they are special because they feed squirrels and they help plant trees."

Matthew announced, "Today we did The Pom Pom Toss that Imi and Zani faxed us.  The fax told us how to play it.  You had to have a line and and a target 2 feet away from the line and you tried to get your pom pom on the target.  I got a foot away and the other one I got on it."

Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday's News

Evan said, "At physical education there was new scooters and we were connecting almost all of them together and at bowling there were new bowling balls and we could do score sheets."

Emma stated, "Today at Sharing I said that I went to the beach and I went fishing.  After I went fishing I went to the Chinese Buffet.  I also went to Alix's birthday and I got a picuture of me riding a unicorn.  It was really just a pony dressed up as a unicorn and it's name was Salty."

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wednesday's News

Esme announced, "At P.E. I  played on the scooters and it was fun because we went around and around and around. We took turns pulling each other."

Kenney stated, "We did measuring and my problem was only one problem and it was the inches were rolling away.  We tried to use them to measure."

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tuesday's News

Matthew said, "Today we did animal studies.  I did the meerkat and it is able to eat scorpions without getting harmed by its poison."

Alix stated, "At recess I played with Scout.  She brang her cute doggie and the dog's blanket."

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thursday's News

Gabe stated, "Today we had computer and library.  At computers we did and I read a lot of books."

Abby said, "Today we did our bunnies and my color bunny was brown.  I put a funny smile on it."

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wednesday's News

Scout yelled, "Today at P.E. we played on the scooters and it was a lot of fun!  I got a ride from Emma and Alix.  Emma went so fast that I fell off!"

Esme announced, "Today at Writer's Workshop I got my book published and it was really funny because Mrs. LeFevre told me not to rush and I only got the cover done!  We had to have a meeting where I got a chart to list the number of books I have published.  This was book #1."

Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday's News

Alexander announced, "Today in gym we went on scooters.  You could not stand on them but you could sit on your bottom or lay on your belly.  Mr. Kronisch got new scooters but there were only 4."

Clara stated, "We wrote our Weekend News and I wrote about Rosie coming over.  We made fairies on the computer and mine were Fidgit and Melody and Rosie made one named Alex.  I wrote that we played with our American Girl Dolls and they had a make-over."