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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Thursday's News

Aida said, "Today we went to art and did our stamps. We made foam stamps and we were drawing an outline with a pen and coloring it with marker. Then you take any color paper you want and make it wet with a sponge and put the paper directly on the stamp and hold it there for awhile. After, you pick it up and look at it, it looks just like the stamp on the styrofoam."

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Wednesday's News

Del said, "Today I didn't really get to play at recess but I did get to do some stuff. When we went out for the second recess time all I got to do was tell my friends how to play the game and they didn't listen and started to do other things."

Michael said, "With the science/math experience ent today we put a Popsicle out in a cup and I held the door for Nova and Max to let them back in.  We think the Popsicle will melt in more than a minute and less than an hour, about 25 minutes."

Monday, May 9, 2016

Monday's News

Ristin said, "Today Jack and I were at he triangle table. You had to make a certain shape on the paper with pattern block shapes.  I only had time to do 1 shape."

Jack said, "Today Michael, Del and I were playing Five Nights at Del and I was ET, it's from a movie, and he is not a very fast runner and he likes Skittles and M&M's a lot.  ET is nice and has the power to heal and put memories in people's brains so I helped Michael but he didn't want any help healing.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Thursday's News

Mia said, "When we did writing time we got to do my birthday book and what I want for my birthday is a Dalmatian."

Max said, "Today at art we made designs and we could cut out some black paper and put it on the design wherever we wanted."

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Tuesday's News

Anthony said, " Today at recess Jack, Michael and I were playing Hungry Hippos.  Were weren't only playing Hungry Hippos we were playing that the hippos were sharing the food and one was a king hippo  who was going somewhere and he gave his food to Jack."

Nova said, "Today Mrs. LeFevre changed one of our Math Workplaces.  Last Shape in Wins took the place of Frog Path.  I really like the game even though I didn't play it today."

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Thursday's News

Abby said, "We studied geometry and we learned that polygons have three or more straight sides and they have vertices.  Also, they are closed shapes."

Ruthie said, "Today at recess I was playing with Play- Doh and I made a cake and I was trying to deliver it to Jack and Junior but they were too busy making their pizzas.  Then I asked if I could play with them but I couldn't because they were too busy making their pizzas."

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wednesday's News

Aida said, "Today at gym we played circle games and the first game we always had to play was One , Two, Three Look.  The second came was called Cobbler, Cobbler Where's My Shoe? We had to use a shoe from Mr. T's box."

Makayla said, "Today at Number Corner we counted how much money we collected and we saw that it was dollars."

Monday, March 28, 2016

Monday's News

Mia said, "We had indoor recess and in the art room Aida and I played with Playdough. I made a hand and a foot and Aida made some money to buy the hand and foot. I kept on making things and giving her them and then she could make more money out of them.

Aida said, "Today we got a new math workplace.  It was in place of Doubles Plus or Minus and it was called True or False.  First Mrs. LeFevre took out the wild cards but then she put them back in.  If you get a wild card you get to choose any number for it you want.  If you get 2 wild cards you can choose any numbers but they cannot go higher than 20 together."

Monday, March 14, 2016

Monday's News

Jack said, "In gym Mr. T. had a bowling alley and we bowled.  One person had to stand behind the mats and watch if 1 person was doing the right thing and if the ball bounced over the mat. 1 person had to hand the person a ball from smallest to biggest."

Ristin said, "Today we measured ourselves to the emperor penguin and the little blue. I was equal to the emperor penguin! We are both 45 inches tall."

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Wednesday's News

Makayla said, " At gym class we played a game where we took basketballs and there were mats on the floor and Mr. T. pretended that the mats were flies. We had to bounce the basketballs 5 times and then 3 times to squish them up.  There was still 1 alive and they went to tell more flies because there was 100 of them."

Eunice said. "Today Meranda and I were reading a book called The Play and I read my book about baby animals.  Then Mrs. Smith came and let me read my chapter book to her."

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Tuesday's News

Abby said, "Today we finished putting the clothes on the Tacky penguins we made.  Mine looks like it is wearing a dress."

Ristin said, "Today we learned about King penguins.  We learned they lay one egg, they weigh 30 pounds and they are 36 inches."

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Wednesday's News

Del said, "Today we had indoor recess and Jack and I went to the Quiet Roomand I brought a tiny toy even though you really shouldn't but there was a lot of stuff I wanted to do with him.  Even though I brought him I made a room for him, a chanted room and even a self portrait out of paper."

Anthony said, "At Math Workplaces Mia and I played Super Frogs and I won more than Mia.  Mia thought I had a trick up my sleeve."

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Wednesday's News

Michael said, "Today we had Ms. Mather and she taught us about science and chemical reactions. She wants us to make things and enter the Science Fair in April."

Jack said, "Today Junior and me made a Boov City out of 100 cups and it was fun. I really enjoyed it."

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

100th Day of School

Mrs. LeFevre said, "A great day was had by all! I think the class may have done at least 100 things! Today was also Groundhog Day and we found out that the groundhog did NOT see her shadow so spring is going to be early!"

Punxsutawney Phil from Punxsutawney, PA

Chuckles from Manchester, CT

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Thursday's News

Max said, "Today we went to art and painted our snowmen.  We also got to paint another thing if we made something else. I made a creeper. A creeper is something from Minecraft that creeps up on you and if it gets to close it explodes."

Aaron said, "Today at the assembly there were bus drivers standing up as Vinton Owls and my bus driver was an  Outstanding  Owl and the other bus drivers were too.  They want us to remember to be safe on the bus."

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wednesday's News

Angela said, "Today at gym we had to ride on our scooters and knock over the cones carefully.  After we did that Mr. T. said we did 32 seconds knocking over all of the cones."

Aida said, "Today we did our Number Corner books.  We ripped a page out and did some equations."

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Tuesday's News

Meranda said, "Today at the computer room we tried to do a reading program but it didn't work.  We got to do free time on the computer and I did Pixie."

Ruthie said, "Today we got a new student in class. Her name is Eunice and she came all the way from the state of Washington."

Monday, January 11, 2016

Monday's News

Nova said, "In the gym today we rode kind of scooters and we used different pathways."

Makayla said, "Today we did this picture problem in Mrs. LeFevre's class and I can't tell the people that didn't do it, what it is."

Monday, January 4, 2016

Monday's News 2016

Angela said, "When we were doing snowflakes I did one quickly and the other one slowly. In the last minute I started another one but it was already clean up and Mrs. LeFevre said to put your scissors away and clean up your little pieces of scraps and line up so I finished at Blog Time."

Jack said, "Today we played Pac Man Tag in the gym.  We all had fun and the part I liked the best was having fun!"