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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday's News

Kali said, "We had art today and we drew animals in the ocean.  We also talked about how we got sucked into a black hole in outer space."

Tanah said, "We did a Domino Flash so we could know what equals what.  There was about 10 of  them and you had to look at them real quick and put that many fingers up."

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wednesday's News

Nevaeha said, "We went to gym and we went outside and there were yellow cones in a rectangle. We has to stay inside the cones.  There were taggers who tagged people and they had to hold hands with their hands up and then someone had to give them a high five so they partner and they are back in and have to find a new partner."

Gus said, "Today we wrote about our favorite animal and why you would like to be friends with it. I picked a gorilla because it is my favorite animal in the whole world and I act like it every morning."

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday's News

Myiah said, "We had computer and we went on Tumble Books and listened to books."

Kali said, "We did Double Flaps and we had to pick a number 6-10 and make dots to match."

Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday's News

Liam said, "Today we went to gym and we played PacMan Tag.  2 people had short noodles and Mr.T. had a long noodle. They had to tag people who had to put their hands up and someone else had to high 5 them to unfreeze them.  You had to fast walk on the lines while the taggers walked slowly."

Dimitri said, "Today we made pumpkin people.  We read a pumpkin poem and pumpkins would like to be pumpkin people instead of pumpkin pie.  We colored them in the lines."

Friday, October 17, 2014

Friday's News

Myriah said. "We had music and we played a cowbell.  We each had a turn."

Dimitri said, "Today we made a chapter in our book -We Went Walking. It was chapter 2- We Went on a Fall Walk.  We went a fall walk and we saw a black caterpillar."

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday's News

Cuin said, "We went to art.  We were drawing meteors and stuff that can be in space."

Ben said, "We had indoor recess because of the rain.  I went to the art room and drew."

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday's News

Tanah said, "We had gym and we did fun things.  We picked a card and what number and color it was we had do the activity that matched the cone."

Blake said, "We went to Math Workplaces and there were different groups.  I got to work on Geobands with Colton and Kevin."

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thursday's News

Olivia said, "We went to art today and we made stars. We used paper and we could make stairs or things that were zig zagged."

John said, "We went outside for Fire Safety.  We learned to change our smoke detector batteries every year."

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wednesday's News

Kevin said, ""Today we got extra recess.  I played with Colton, Blake, John and Liam."

Celina said, "Today Mrs. Yeager came and read us a story about Rainbiw Fish.  It was about Rainbow Fish and her friends and they all saw a whale."

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wednesday's News

Gus said, "We went to gym and dribbled and trapped a soccer ball at each cone."

Colton said, "Today we introduced the new October chart.  On the chart there was 4 green apples for #1."