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Friday, October 30, 2009

Friday's News

Jayden said, "Today I got Henry and our class got to have a Halloween Day except Fred and I get to go trick or treating with Henry."

Alex said, "Today Jayden was a very good partner at Halloween Happenings! He was a great buddy at Ghost Toss and he went with me everywhere I went."

Alyson said, "Today Madison's mom came to help in the classroom and I played with her mom and I did every center. When I was tossing the dice with Madison's mom, I kept doing it with my fingers so I kept pushing the dice together."

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thursday's News

Katrina said, "We went to gym and we had a substitute and we played dodgeball and I was on the purple team with Kishan, Daisy, Al, Renee, Jayden, Fred, and Trystan.

Madison said, "I played with Maddie at recess. We played on the swings."

Al said, "We were studying ants and I thought I was not going to finish the last page but I did. I had trouble seeing the SMART board and so did Alyson but we finished it."

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday's News

Alex said, "Today was crazy hair or hat day and if you didn't wear one you could make a hat."

Maddie said, "Today in art we made skeletons and I made a regular skeleton that has black glasses."

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday's News

Ryan said, "We had gym and we played with a parachute. My favorite one was when we went inside the parachute and sat down."

Al said, "We had an assembly and it was about Simon Sez and it was funny and some people came up and danced around very funny. At the end we did Simon Sez and I never got one thing wrong."

Monday's News
Daisy said, "Today we had extra play time in the afternoon."
Kishan said, "Today we had Enrichment with Ms. Barrow and it was pretty easy."

Friday's News
Trystan said, "Jayden and I did an I Spy book and we found all the things on one page."
Fred said, "I made a rhombus out of pattern blocks."
Justin said, "I made 15 hats at the art center."

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday's News

Daisy said, "Today we got to finish our ant problems and Renee and I were arguing a little about 100 and 25. Renee thought it was 25 in a group and I thought it was 100. Mrs. LeFevre came over said: How about we think of something else. Renee and I thought of 20 in 5 groups to equal 100!"

Alyson said, "Today in gym we went outside to play and we had choices to do frisbee, ball or playscape. I went on the playscape and found my friend Christa and I played with her until the end of the time and I also hung upside down with Katrina."

Wednesday's News
Allie said, "We told the teacher what we know about and wonder about ants and wrote them down."
Despina said, "We used water paints in art and I worked on a painting that I started before going to Disney World."

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tuesday's News

Madison said, "Today Renee was a star. We learned that she has a fish, a dog, a turtle, and used to have a cat."

Maddie said, "Today in gym we played dodgeball and when someone on your team got out, you would have to knock over a frisbee on the other teams cone to get the people back in the game."

Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday's News

Daisy said, "Today Ryan and I went to 2 Work Places. We went to One Hour Or Bust and only got to write one thing down."

Jayden said, "Today at computer we went to Raz-Kids and I got a telescope that if you click on it you will see the Earth and the moon."

Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday's News

Alyson said, "Today at gym we played running around games, relay race games, and we did it with a bean bag or high fives and we did it with cylinders."

Kishan said, "Today we had our first day at Writer's Workshop and I made little stick figures for the picture to get my ideas started."

Alex said, "Today we had an assembly and I was our class Super Citizen."

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursdays News

Allie said, "Today we did a Reader's Theater and I was part 9 and I said: that grow on a branch that grows on a tree. It was about a butterfly life cycle."

Justin said, "Today at gym we did a race about passing something to our team or doing a high five to have them go around the gym."

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday's News

Ryan said, "We had art today and we were painting pumpkin pictures."

Alex said, "We made butterfly hats and we are going to put them on tomorrow."

Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday's News

Jayden said, "We had gym and Trystan and I played with these small little balls and we kicked them up to the ceiling and most of the time they went up on the stage."

Al said, "We were trying to figure out our quilt. Fred and Kishan are trying to figure it out right now and Fred is doing very good with the mulitplication."

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thursdays News

Katrina said, "Today we went to gym and music. In music we were talking about Jr. Choir and 1st and 2nd graders can do it. It might be a lot of people."

Maddie said, "Today we made our own quilt patches for our quilt."

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday's News

Trystan said, "Today in gym Kishan, Jayden, and I played kickball and we switched teams one time."

Boris said, "Today at centers I was making a card for my mom with a ghost on the front and a Frankenstein monster on the back."

Fred said, "Today we did Musical Chairs because it was our Mystery Reward."

Monday, October 5, 2009

Mondays's News

Renee said, "Today we practiced doing our tornado/severe weather drill and we met in the hallway and did duck and cover."

Despina said, "I got to be the Henry host and I got to hold him for the day and bring him home and have lots of fun."

Friday's News

Trystan said, "Today at gym Jayden and I had balls and kicked them up to the ceiling and they came back down."

Daisy exclaimed, "Today at snack I lost my tooth!"

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thursdays News

Jayden said, "Today we had gym and Boris and I kicked the balls all the way up to the ceiling and we were heading them."
Al said, "We had math Work Place and Fred and I were playing Race You to 50 and Fred was getting the lower numbers but he still won each time."