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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday's News

Alix said, "At activities I went on the computer.  I drew some grass, a sky and a flower.  I printed it out."

Jeremy said "Today we had a half day and we  had free choice. I played spies with my friends and we made spy watches."

Alexander said, "Today was a Leap Day.  It was four years ago and now we have to wait another four years to get another February 29.  I will be in 5th grade and I will be 10 years old."

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday's News

Abby said, "I did the penguin riddles.  I had to write facts about penguins and I did the king penguin."

Alizabeth said, "We went to gym and we did basketball and we had teams, yellow and red.  I was on the red team and the other people were Jeremy, Esme and Alix.  We tried to get the ball into our hoop and we won because we got the most points even though we had the least players."

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday's News/

Evan said, "We went on a winter walk.  There were big piles of snow at the playscape.  When we came in it we wrote what we saw on a piece of paper and turned it into a book.''
Max said, "Joey's mom came in to teach us about teeth.  She said to brush our teeth in the morning, afternoon and night.  We also need to floss."

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday's News

Emma said, "We did math.  I sketched an emperor penguin.  It was so big!  It has such a small beak for a penguin like mine.  Then I got to paint it.  After I got to play a subtraction game called Old Orca Subtraction."

Rosie said, "In Writer's Workshop I made my 3rd story.  It's about my dog."

Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday's News

Joey said, "Today we did Jeremy's Birthday Book.  I wrote about him getting a leopard seal for his birthday."

Scout said, "I liked when we drew the penguins because some were large and some were some small.  We got to see what sizes they were."

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tuesday's News

Scout said, "I liked when we studied Antartica because I learned that killer whales hunt things for a very long time.  We got to see pictures of Antartica and penguins."

Rosie said, "At read aloud my  mom read How Spider Saved Valentine's Day."

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tuesday's News

Matthew said, "At gym I found out some new games about basketball.  To some other people they weren't new because I was absent and they weren't.  In Hot Shot you had to get as many scores as you could in a minute."

Scout said, "I liked math because we had to do it with heart candies and we got to eat them at the end.  We got to color them if you had time to at the end but lots of people didn't.  I liked pink the most.  I had 8 of them."

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday's News

Kenney said, "Today we learned about the emperor penguin which is the last penguin.  It is very heavy.  Some people think that 100 pounds is too much for 1 bird!  The emperor penguin is the tallest and heaviest penguin."

Rosie said, "We did Writer's Workshop and I wrote about my trip to Pennsylvania.  I had a conference with Mrs. LeFevre."

Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday's News

Alix said, "Today was the 100th day of school.  I went to Ms. Sparks' class and we did a riddle and it had a 100th day puzzle."

Clara said, "Today at art we made a ginormus valentine.  We had to trace our hands on each side of the valentine paper and I gave mine to my mom."

Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday's News

Gabe said, "We had gym.  We played basketball and there were 4 different things that you could do.  I liked the 'Moving Around the Space' one."

Abby said, "We went outside.  I went on the tire swing.  It was going very, very fast!  It was fun!"

Alizabeth said, "We have a new student today.  Her name is Scout.  She is really nice and we are glad she is here."

gentoo penguins

Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday's News

Jeremy said, "Today for penguins, we were studying the little blue.  They are very small, they are only 16 inches.  When I measured them, they were very small to me."

Rosie said, "Clara, Alix and I made a book called 'Santa's Cupcake Bakery'.  It was a funny book because a special elf ate a cupcake that was a magic cupcake and his teeth were blue for a day!"
little blue or fairy penguin

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday's News

king penguin

rockhopper penguins
Mrs. LeFevre said, "We have been traveling to Antarctica!  We have learned about the king and rockhopper penguins!"