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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thursday's News

Myiah screamed, "Today we had art.  We worked on our pictures that had squares and I designed mine with black marker!"

Cody yelled, "Today we had a math problem and it was about penguins.  It was hard for some people but it was really easy for me! The math problem was 12+3=15. I figured it out by using my head and my number rack."

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wednesday's News

Tanah said, "Today we had extra recess because we were so good at the 3rd & 4th grader's play.  At recess I played clubs with Dennis."

Cuin said, "Today Dimitri brought his hermit crab in and he said it pinched his finger and blood was running all down his finger.  He showed us it at snack time."

Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday's News

Jack screamed, "Today we had physical education and we played tag games!  Mr. T. was the tagger and I got tagged 2 times!"

Kali exclaimed, "We learned about little blue penguins. They live in hot places!"