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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wednesday's News

Aida said, "Today at gym we played circle games and the first game we always had to play was One , Two, Three Look.  The second came was called Cobbler, Cobbler Where's My Shoe? We had to use a shoe from Mr. T's box."

Makayla said, "Today at Number Corner we counted how much money we collected and we saw that it was dollars."

Monday, March 28, 2016

Monday's News

Mia said, "We had indoor recess and in the art room Aida and I played with Playdough. I made a hand and a foot and Aida made some money to buy the hand and foot. I kept on making things and giving her them and then she could make more money out of them.

Aida said, "Today we got a new math workplace.  It was in place of Doubles Plus or Minus and it was called True or False.  First Mrs. LeFevre took out the wild cards but then she put them back in.  If you get a wild card you get to choose any number for it you want.  If you get 2 wild cards you can choose any numbers but they cannot go higher than 20 together."

Monday, March 14, 2016

Monday's News

Jack said, "In gym Mr. T. had a bowling alley and we bowled.  One person had to stand behind the mats and watch if 1 person was doing the right thing and if the ball bounced over the mat. 1 person had to hand the person a ball from smallest to biggest."

Ristin said, "Today we measured ourselves to the emperor penguin and the little blue. I was equal to the emperor penguin! We are both 45 inches tall."

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Wednesday's News

Makayla said, " At gym class we played a game where we took basketballs and there were mats on the floor and Mr. T. pretended that the mats were flies. We had to bounce the basketballs 5 times and then 3 times to squish them up.  There was still 1 alive and they went to tell more flies because there was 100 of them."

Eunice said. "Today Meranda and I were reading a book called The Play and I read my book about baby animals.  Then Mrs. Smith came and let me read my chapter book to her."

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Tuesday's News

Abby said, "Today we finished putting the clothes on the Tacky penguins we made.  Mine looks like it is wearing a dress."

Ristin said, "Today we learned about King penguins.  We learned they lay one egg, they weigh 30 pounds and they are 36 inches."