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Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Spring is in the air as I decorate my blogspot or is it my dashboard?


  1. Dear Mrs Lefevre & Class:

    I have you linked into my Google Reader Service so that service "follows" you for me. When you write something new it shows up in my list in bold print telling me that there is something new to read. So while I am not using the blog's follow feature I am reading what you post.

    I hope you took a a picture of the class singing about Penguins or is that coming up this Friday?

    I wanted to share with you a link to a Kindergarten Class in New Hampshire that also uses blogs. Here is the link:

    I did have a question for teh class. I live in Eastford which is a little bit north of Mansfield and a little bit colder. I don't think that spring has come yet to Eastford. Maybe I just don't know what to look for. Can you write down in your blog some ideas about what are signs of spring? Then I can write to you and tell you if I see them around my house.

  2. Dear Mr. S,
    We know that it is spring and the grass is getting greener, the flowers are blooming (daffodils and crocus), the trees are getting more leaves, we can hear the birds, the ponds are un-frozen, and we can go outside without our coats! Have you seen any of these signs? We'll keep looking.
